Videos With MyDigitalEscape and...Kaylea?

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"Hello, Aystin." I stood there, jaw dropped. "K-Kaylea? K-Kaylea Thomas?" She nodded and stood up. "I-Is it really you?" She nodded again. "It's me, Aystin." I looked at Johnnie, who was smiling. "H-How?" Johnnie stepped forward and stood next to Kaylea. "Well, we called Shannon who your best friend is and she told us 'Kaylea" sooo she called her. You were too sleepy to notice her. She was behind you on the plane." I stood there frozen. The one person that was there for me, besides Shannon, was right in front of me.

I slowly nodded and felt a tear run down my cheek. "K-Kaylea..." She held out her arms and I ran into them. I sobbed into her shoulder. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us. I looked up and saw Johnnie hugging us. I felt my hair being petted. I sniffed and held both of them. "If your dad ever tries to rape you again, he won't be able to. Especially with 7 members of MyDigitalEscape. We got you, Aystin."

I sniffed and gave them a small smile. "Thank you so much, John-" The door was slammed opened and we all jumped away. "Johnnie! Aystin! Quick!" We all looked at him. "What's the problem?" He held up a camera and smiled. "We're doing a video. Join us!" I wanna smack him. Johnnie smiled and nodded. "Aystin, Kaylea, y'all coming?" We looked at each other and back at them. "Uh, yeah!"

We ran to the living room, giggling like we were five years old again. We sat there while the guys set up. While they finished, we stood next to the couch. I sniffed as they sat down on the couch. "Hey guys. It's Johnnie. Today, I'm here with... Bryan, Shannon, Jordan, Jeydon, Kyle, Alex, Kaylea and Aystin. And we're going to be doing a-" Alex cut him off. "Wait, wait, wait. Who's Aystina and Kaylea?" Johnnie laughed and waved us over. "Aystin Taylor." Shannon held up a finger. "Aystin Taylor. The middle child of the three Taylor sisters. Me, Aystin and Bailey. She lives with Johnnie and Bryan now, due to an incident."

Johnnie nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Yup. Actually, today, we're going to be doing something special for Aystin." I looked at Johnnie like he's nuts. What are you planning, Johnnie Guilbert?! "Kaylea, Jeydon, Jordan and Kyle. Take Aystin into the other room so we can set up." They nodded and grabbed my arms, basically dragging me to mine and Johnnie's room. "Kaylea, grab the scarves from the closet." She nodded, went to the closet and grabbed some scarves. "What are y'all doing?" They shrugged and tied me to a chair.

"Guys?!" They ignore me and walked out of the room. What the fuck?!

Johnnie's POV

"Guys?!" Footsteps started to come to the kitchen. "We tied her to a chair. What do we do now?" Alex grabbed a bowl, cake mix, a cup and oil. "Did y'all hide a camera in there before you tied her up?" They nodded and started to make the cake. Once it was finished, we took it out and put frosting. "Guys?! Untie me!" I smiled and looked at Alex. "Alex, write 'Welcome to the MDE Family.'" She nods and starts writing it in frosting. "Shannon, go to the room and untie her." She smiled and leaves to mine and Aystin's room.

Heh, she won't be expecting this.

Aystin's POV

I heard footsteps coming to the room. "It's time to untie you!" Finally! She undid the knots and led me to the kitchen. She covered my eyes and carefully led me the rest of the way. "Okay... One..." What? "Two..." W-What's going on? "Three!" Shannon uncovered my eyes. "Surprise!" I looked at everybody and smiled. "Wh-What's this?" Alex held a cake that said 'Welcome to the MDE Family!' I sniffed and looked at Shannon. I tackled her and hugged her tightly. "Th-Thank you."

I felt arms wrap around us and looked up. Johnnie, Bryan, Kyle, Alex, Jeydon and Kaylea's hugging us. "Johnnie... Bryan..." Everybody pulled away and I sniffed. "Yeah?" I looked at them and hugged them both.

"Thank you so much."

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