Life in California, USA

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With all my things packed and put into the car, we were now at the border of Canada. We're having to go from Nova Scotia to California. It'll take almost a week to get to California. But in the end, it'll be worth it. We moved up to the toll and Bryan gave them ten dollars. They raised the bar and we went through I leaned against thebdior and watched the scenery that's passing. To think of how much my life changed within a day.

I looked to the left of me and saw Johnnie passed out. I sighed and sniffed. Beside Bryan, Shannon's the only one awake. I looked at the seat in front of me and tapped on Shannon's shoulder. "Hm?" She turned around and looked at me. "Shannon... I wanna say thank you. Thank you so much for taking me away from my father." She waved it off and smiled. "No problem, Aystin." She turned back around.

"I think you'll like it, living with us, Aystin." I sniffed and smiled a little. "But what about school?" Bryan looked in the rearview mirror. "I've put in an application for you at a nearby school from our apartment. You've been accepted and will start when we get to California." I sighed. "Also, we're gonna stop at the airport. We're flying the rest of the way." I sniffed and nodded. Next thing I knew was Johnnie was leaning against me. I smiled a little. God... How'd I even get here? I sighed and leaned against Johnnie. Slowly falling asleep, one thing left on my mind. Screw you, Dad.

~*At Airport*~

I felt someone slowly shaking me awake. "Aystin, we're at the airport." I groaned and shifted to my side, half asleep. I heard a sigh then felt arms lifting me up. I opened an eye and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair that's covered in a hat. I sniffed. The boy walked with me in his arms. "Aystin, Kyle's gonna have to put you down when we get to security." I sniffed and nodded. We walked a short distance and we were at security. Kyle put me down and was the first one to go through.

I sighed and waited for him to be done. Then it was my turn. I didn't bring any razors. Didn't think we're taking a plane... I got through security, along with the others and we went to sit down to wait for our plane to be called. I leaned against Kyle and slowly fell asleep.

~*Thirty Minutes Later*~

I felt my body being carried, I opened my eyes and saw Johnnie carrying me. I sighed and sniffed. Johnnie noticed I was awake and set me down. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." I scoffed and we walked to our seats on the plane. They told us to put our seatbelts on, so I did so and passed out.

~*After Flight*~

"Aystin." I groaned and shifted to my side. "Aystin, you gotta wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw an empty plans. I stood up and stretched. "Bryan's getting a rental car. Then you three are going to the house." I nodded and we walked off the plane. We got to where the luggage merry go round is and grabbed our luggage. We walked outside and waited for Bryan. Once he got here, we put my stuff in the trunk and piled in.

~*After Travel*~

We finally got to Bryan and Johnnie's place. Lemme tell you one thing. Relief. We got to California faster than we thought. We left on Saturday and got here today, Wednesday. We got my stuff in the apartment and I sighed, sitting on the couch. I felt a body plop right next to me and looked to my left.

I sniffed and leaned against Johnnie. "Johnnie?" He looked at me and smiled. "Hm?" I looked up at him and sniffed. "Thank you." Bryan came into the room. "For what?" I sniffed and sat up. "For... Helping me..." Johnnie stood up and held out a hand. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. He slowly pulled me to a room. I sniffed and looked at Johnnie. "Um..." Johnnie stopped and looked at me. "The room we're about to enter is ours."

I sniffed and blushed a little. Johnnie opened the door and my jaw dropped. Our room was covered in random band posters, gaming things, recording things, basically everything you would want. I sniffed. But the surprising thing is... My best friend, Kaylea Thomas, was sitting on mine and Johnnie's bed. "K-Kaylea?" She smiled.

"Hello, Aystin."


((Also, remind me to never make fun of One Direction ever again cause once I said something about them, my phone literally froze on Harry Styles. And I'm just there like "Oh. My. God. Why."))

((I know that's Kyle's hand in the picture but pretend it's Aystin.))

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