School... New Student... Why Me?

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((Picture is Aystin. But with purple hair and a black headband.))

"Aystin! Wakey!" I groaned and rolled over, rolling onto Johnnie, earning a groan from Johnnie. "Okay, okay. I'm up." I rolled off Johnnie and landed with a thud. "You start school in an hour. Here's your uniform." I sat up while Bryan tossed the uniform on me. I sighed and stood up. "But why am I the only person from MyDigitalEscape going to school?" Bryan smiled and Johnnie sat up. "Most of us are graduated. Johnnie's 17 and he does online school." I sighed and sniffed. "Could he- nevermind. I'll go get ready." I walked to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I sighed and started to change clothes. I stood there in my underclothes. I looked in the mirror and sniffed.

Only thing that ran through my mind was fat, fat, fat! I sniffed and grabbed scissors, opening them. I drug the blade across my stomach. Drips of blood rolled down my stomach. Knock, knock. "You almost ready, Aystin?" I sniffed, cleaned up the blood on the scissors and put them back. "Almost! I'll be out in a minute!" There was a soft 'Okay' and footsteps leaving the door. I quickly put on the uniform and walked out, sighing. "Now what were you gonna ask before I threw the clothes at you?" I sniffed and shook my head. "It's nothing important." Johnnie frowned. "Tell us." I sighed and looked down. "I was gonna ask if Johnnie could go to school with me..."

I sniffed and Johnnie and Bryan looked at each other. Johnnie shrugged. "I should. I mean, even if I passed through homeschool, I would still have to get my GED. I'll go to her school." I smiled and sniffed. "Really?!" He smiled and looked at me. "Yeah." I smiled and squealed, tackling him in a hug. "Thank you!" He hugged me tightly. "Anything for you, Aystin." There was a silence for one minute then a cough. "Anyways, just for today, you'll be going to school without Johnnie." I nodded. I sighed and walked towards the front door. I sighed and looked at Bryan and Johnnie. "Want us to take you to the school?" I sniffed and nodded. "Please?" Johnnie smiled. "Well, let's go!"

Bryan opened the door and we walked out. We walked out of the building and down the road. "You ready?" I sniffed and looked at Johnnie, shaking my head. "I'm so scared. What if I get bullied again?" Johnnie stopped walking, grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight into my hazel eyes. "You will not be bullied. If it happens, you text one of us. We will help. You can do this. I believe in you." I sniffed and smiled a little. "Thanks, Johnnie." He pulled me into a hug and held me for a minute. When he let go, he held my hand.

We got to the school and I sniffed. I felt coldness on my cheeks, even if it was 86° outside. Johnnie looked at me and wiped away my tears, kissing my cheeks. "It'll be okay. I believe in you." I sniffed and smiled. "Now, we'll watch you from here until you're safely inside." I crossed the street safely and looked back, seeing Johnnie and Bryan nod. I turned back around and let out a sigh. I can do this... I won't be bullied... Everything will be okay... I walked through the front doors and instantly everybody stared at me. I just stood there, looking down and walked to the front office. After a minute or two, I crashed into something...or someone. "Watch where you're going, pig!" I flinched when she said 'pig.' I looked down. "S-Sorry." I heard some giggling. "A-Are you new here? Sure seems like it. Do you need to be shown to the front office?" I looked up and nodded.

She smiled and grabbed my wrist, dragging me down a hall. We stopped at a door and she stepped behind me. I looked at the door that had a paper that said "Front Office." I looked at her curiously. "U-Um, you s-sure this is t-the front office?" She nods and pushes me in. She giggled. "Have fun, pig!" I sniffed and looked up, a classroom full of people dressed in something different. Drama class? What the fuck? I turned around to leave but heard the door lock. Fuck... I sat in a corner and turned away from the staring people. I got out my phone and texted Johnnie.

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