I'm Sorry...

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I will not be uploading until I can get better. I just lost my best friend/sister last night and I keep thinking that this is just a terrible dream and that I'll wake up to see her online again...

If any of the readers see this, please wear a seatbelt... And tell everyone that you know and love that you love them... You never know when you will see them again... I never got the chance to tell Destiny that I love her before last night... And I regret not messaging her when my gut kept telling me to. This is killing me inside knowing she's actually gone.

She was an amazing soul and she always smiled through the tough times. She lost her step dad last year and she smiled through it. She would always make sure everyone around her was happy. She never gave up on us. She was the best friend I had. She was my sister and I miss her way too much. All I have to hear her voice again is a video on YouTube called "Destiny" under Toxic Katie.

You were an amazing friend and sister, Destiny Rackley. Your mom, brother, sister, friends miss you so very much and will be mourning until we're in heaven with you. I never imagined writing something like this for you, Des.... You're surely missed greatly and really loved...


If you readers see this, wear a seatbelt, smile through the tough times and love everybody around you. Please. I lost Destiny. I don't need to lose anybody else. I know that's life but I hate seeing people who I love and care about go away from walking on this Earth...

I love y'all... I love you, Destiny Rackley. I miss you. Fly High, Beautiful Soul. Head bang with Mitch Lucker. Make sure my Max is okay and hug your step dad...

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