Cryaotic | Love You!

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"I looooooooove you, (Your Name)! Come on!" your boyfriend, Cry, pleaded as you stormed out his gaming room.

"You killed me six times in a row!" you huffed angrily, crossing your arms.

You two were playing some Trouble in Terrorist Town with some of his friends for fun (not a video), and he kept on killing you, thinking you were the Terrorist.

The masked man held back a laugh as he walked towards you and gave you a hug.

"Hey, I'm sorry..."

You smiled a little.

"... for you because at you suck at video games," he finished, smirking.

You dramatically placed a hand over your heart, letting out a sigh to add more effect. You knew your boyfriend would make fun of you, and you were used to it; he never meant all the mean things he said to you.

"Oh, Cry! I thought you loved me with all your heart!" you gasped.

He placed a hand on his hip and hummed.

"Of course, you know I do."

You turned to him, then crossed your arms once again.

"Then prove it."

He leaned to you. A moment later, his lips were only a few inches away from yours. Feeling his breath on your face made you a little impatient so you decided to close the gap (not before pulling his mask up).

The kiss was passionate and sweet. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he brought you closer to him.

When you both pulled away for a thing called Oxygen, you stared into each others' eyes.

Well, he did. You awkwardly looked at two circles that were supposed to be eyes.

"You're so cute when you're angry." Cry said with his beautiful laugh.

"Shut up," you replied, giggling with him.

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A/N: I'll be doing Question of the Chapter at the end of every chapter 'cause why not? Ya'll can answer it too if you'd like!

QOTC: [One of] the annoying thing/s someone has done to you?

A: Repeatedly make me lose in my games and laugh their butts off because of my reaction.

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