Pewdiepie | Food

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"(Your Name)?"

"What do you have?"






"GIVE ME BACK MY FOOD!" you screamed as the Swedish's eyes widen, him quickly running away.

"I AM HUNGRY (Y/N), DON'T KILL ME!" Felix shouted back, making a quick turn and running down the corridor. You followed him, your pace quickening.

Much to the man's luck, one of his little pugs came running past the corridor to another room. Not wanting to trip or hurt them, he stopped abruptly. You didn't see him stop and accidentally bumped into him, the both of you falling to the floor.

"Sh--" he cursed, then colliding with the floor. Luckily, that area was carpeted so the impact wasn't that bad.

Pewds sighed and turned to you. You were clutching the side of your waist, sitting down and wincing in pain.

"What happened?"

"I-I hit my side on the table," you murmured, gesturing to the piece of furniture beside you. Fortunately (for the table), none of the items on it were toppled.

Felix stood up and lent his hand out for you. You looked at it for a moment, then looking at his face and examining him.

His dirty blonde hair was combed nicely (a little messy from the chase) and his calm eyes were looking at you with pure sincerity. You wonder sometimes how this amazing human became the love of your life.

"Are you taking my hand or not?" he laughed.

You shook your head with a faint smile and took his hand, Pewds then hoisting you up.

"Also, (Y/N)," you look at him with curious eyes as he hands back a (bag/container/etc) that contained (food). You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Felix."

"Let's just make it clear that the next time you're taking my property, you're dead," you finish.

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QOTC: Favorite food?

A: Chocolate!

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