Jacksepticeye | A New Year

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13 | A New Year
Jacksepticeye X Reader
Written for the occasion

Note: I didn't plan to write anything around this time... but since I haven't updated in a long while, here's an update. Thank you all for 25k reads and 600+ votes! It just seemed like yesterday when this book hit 100 reads haha <3 I love you all! This is over 2500+ words, so I hope it makes up for the unannounced hiatus I (kinda?) put this book in.


"Let's go, let's go, we're going to be late! Late, I tell you!" you shouted, pulling your Jack by the arm as you both brisk-walked down the bustling streets of Ireland. He adjusted his hat that was about to fall off because of your rowdiness and gave a half-hearted chuckle.

"It's not my fault you overslept, (Your Name)! We have ten minutes left!" the male countered, picking up his pace, and this time he was the one dragging you.

It was, as mentioned, ten minutes until 2017. You were spending the holidays with your close friend Sean, for the two of your had met while in Hotel Management and helped each other. During that time the two of you had gotten close and supported each other through endeavors even after college, such as his Youtube channel and your personal projects.

Jack had invited you to stay at his place for a week after Christmas and having only seen him through regular video calls, you happily accepted the offer. It was now your last day, for you were returning back to (country) on the 2nd of January. The irishman had told you of a countdown that was to occur in the town square. He explained that his town didn't usually hold big events like this, and if they did he was usually too busy to attend them. Not wanting your friend to miss it, the both of you decided to attend the countdown, watch the fireworks display that accompanied it, then play with some sparklers afterwards.

It wasn't much, but, hey, it was enough for you.

"Hold your horses!" Jack laughed as you took the lead. You playfully stuck your tongue at him, let go of his hand and walked ahead.

"I didn't say let go," he mumbled to himself, shaking his head as he pushed through the crowd. It was weird to see a lot of people here, but then again it was a good thing since he saw some familiar faces of those from the shops he visited or people he passed by when he was out.

"Jack! Jack! Over here!"

He snapped out of his daze and scanned the crowd until his eyes landed on a flailing hand. With chuckle, he swiftly made his way through the crowd and grabbed a hold of your hand once more. The both of you shared a smile and continued.

After some more turns and almost stepping on some feet, the both of you reached an area where not much people stayed in. The area was a good distance away from the fireworks display as well, and you wondered why it wasn't taken. Nevertheless, the both of you set up your mats and sat down. You checked your watch and noticed it was five minutes until the New Year. Jack noticed your excited state and smiled.

"Hey (Y/N)," he called as he laid on the mat.

You turned to him in curiosity.

"You remember how we met?"

"In college yeah, Hotel Management," you hummed.

"We were in the same class, and I nearly dropped all my papers on the first day."

"But fortunately for you, I warned you about that extra step," he finished with a little laugh.

Was he bringing memories from the past to pass the time? You didn't mind since most of the events that had occurred between the two of you were good.

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