Chapter Six: Back in Arendelle

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Jack: I was in a tree not so far from the castle thinking,

She threw me out

I made an ice heart on the tree with letters, JF+QE ( Jack Frost and Queen Elsa) I sighed,

If only I could tell her my feelings.

Then in my mind I thought I heard Elsa yelling my name, then it was real because I heard her again.

"ELSA!" I yelled I flew as quickly as I could, then I arrived at the scene, Elsa was looking at the guy I saw with Anna at the coronation,  suddenly a guard that was pinned to the wall by Elsa's ice was pointing his crossbow at her!

Before I could do anything the guy ran and pushed his hand up and it shot Elsa's chandelier!

"ELSA RUN!!!!!" I yelled as the chandelier fell, she ran but then she slipped and fell on her head, I gasped then flew towards her and knelt by her.

"Was she..." I touched her, she shook from my always cold hands, I sighed with relief.

She's alright

They took her back to Arendelle and instead of putting her in her room, she put her in the dungeon! They clasped her hands in cuffs.

After they locked the door, I stayed there with her, until she woke up, a couple of hours later.

She didn't see me right away, she saw the window that showed the fjord and she gasped

"Oh no what have I done?"

Then she turned and saw me, she didn't say anything. So I spoke up,

"Elsa I want to help you, but.... you need to let go of your fear, and let me help you".

"Elsa..... I-"

Then the door opened and It was the guy who brought Elsa back here in Arendelle.

"Why did you bring me here"?

They started talking, then about Anna, then about if Elsa could stop the winter, Elsa responed that "She can't and that they had let her go".

"I'll do what I can". He responded, something about this guy didn't seem right, so before he left I went out the door and follwed him, he started talking to the visitors that came to Elsa's coronation then Anna came with the servents and she looked terrible,

I gasped

She's freezing up

Then she said Hans had to "kiss her".

Hans so that's his name

He put her on the couch and Anna said "That only an act of true love can save her". 

They looked like they were going to kiss but then Hans stopped and said the most horrible words.

"Oh Anna if only there was someone out there who loved you".

Anna looked shocked, Hans talked about his evil plan to take over Arendelle and how he was just using Anna. Then he left and locked the door leaving poor Anna to freeze to death, panicked I started to make it snow, 

"Please please see!"

Anna: I can't believe that Hans betrayed me, I thought... well it doesn't matter now, I am going to freeze to death and- what? Snow?

I looked up having trouble keeping my eyes open, it was snowing. "But how?" I asked then I remembered that Elsa use to read to me when we were kids about...

Oh what was his name? I tried harder, then I remembered and said aloud

"Jack Frost?"

Then standing in front of me was him in person, I smiled here was my and Elsa's gaurdian, I remembered all of the fun we did.

Then he sat me up and looked me in the eyes and said

"Anna I am goimg to get you out of here and-"

Then the doorknob started shaking and he laid me down and was ready to fight whoever was coming.

But then it turned out to be Olaf! He saw me freezing and quickly started a fire which worried me but he turned out to be alright, so he asked what happened and I told him what had happened and then we started talking about love.

Then Olaf said "That love is putting someone elses needs before yours". And he explained like how Kristoff gave me to Hans and left me forever.

Then I asked "Kristoff loves me?"

Olaf started melting from the fire, then the window opened, Olaf ran to it to close it then stopped and looked through a icicle telescope and saw that Kristoff was coming back!

Then I knew that Kristoff's love would save me.

When we tried to get to him we got trapped in the castle, but we were able to escape through one of the windows and the only way to get down was to slide down.

Before I did, I looked, right next to me was Jack and I knew that I would be safe for whatever happened next.

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