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I scribbled numbers on the paper and slammed down my pencil.

"Done!" I cried. The scientist walked over and picked up the paper. He studied the problems and scratched his head, checking my work.

"Yep, good job," he said putting it back down.

"Can I do harder problems? Those were easy," I said. He shook his head.

"I don't want your brain to overload," he said. I sighed. The front door to the laboratory slammed open. We were in the library at the top floor.

"Who is that?" I asked, trembling. The scientist gave me a quick hug.

"Don't worry, my dear. I'll check it out. Stay here," he said. He had a henchman, Oliver, who was always so quiet. The scientist walked down the stairs. I heard shouting.

"What are you doing here?" the scientist demanded. I heard a gunshot. I scrambled under the table. He was dead. Someone stomped up the stairs. He pulled out the chair and tossed across the room.

"Where are you? Come out before I flush you out!" he roared. I sneezed. I crouched under the table in horror as the man looked down and saw me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out painfully. I was wearing shorts, so my legs were burned as they were dragged quickly against the carpet. I stood up and the man pulled me down the stairs. I saw the scientist laying on the floor, snoring. He was alive. I let out a sigh of relief.

"What is it, beast? Happy that your old man is dead?" the guy asked harshly.

"He's alive, dimwit!" I snapped. I was shoved out the door while the scientist was carried out. He was a small man with grey hair. His name was Xavier, but I didn't like calling him anything but the scientist, since that is what he works as, a scientist. And he made it perfectly clear he didn't want to be called 'Dad'.

I was shoved into a white van. There was glass separating me from the men. They had their guns pointing at me in case I tried anything stupid. I bet I had a higher IQ than all of these men, combined. When we stopped, I was shoved out and led to a jail cell. I was being imprisoned?! What for?!

"What did I do?!" I shrieked, "I didn't do anything!" They laughed and I was shoved in roughly and the door slammed shut ominously. I rested on the white cot in the back. I heard another cell door shut. Followed by an explosion. I heard men screaming at each other, asking what happened. I shut my eyes and I thought bitter thoughts. He was gone. My creator was gone. He self-destructed. Great. Now I was alone.

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