Rekindling Old Flames

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Hey guys! This next chapter isn't necessarily to do with the Neville storyline, but this will help get it there. Enjoy!

 Chapter 14: Rekindling old flames

Severus Snape's POV

Dark and dreary. That's the only two words to describe my whole situation. The rain is pouring outside, pounding onto my broken window pane, not that the rain really bothers me. It means I can just sit here, wallowing in my dark and dreary pit of self pity. Who else will pity me if I don't? Eleven years I have spent doing absolutely nothing. The Dark Lord is gone. Lily Evans is still with Potter. And my life just doesn't seem to be worth living anymore. These past eleven years have consisted of battling against myself: Should I contact Lily? Finally, today, I reached a decision. I have nothing else to lose.

Sitting at my desk, the quill and parchment look foreign. Picking up the quill, I prepare for the longest, most complicated letter I've ever written.


I haven't seen you in so many years. I know your husband and I are not on good terms, but we were once best friends. I opened up to you about everything and it truly pains me to think you hate me; even though you do.

If I could, I would take back the horrific words I used against you. Knowing I pushed away my best friend kills me inside. Please believe me. I was simply an arrogant child who didn't want to look vulnerable in front of... James. I know it's no excuse, but I miss you Lily.

Can we meet at some point? You can bring Potter, James if you wish and let me explain myself. If you don't want to, please, ignore this letter and don't make me read a letter regarding your hatred towards myself, I don't think I will be able to read it.



That wasn't too hard... Who am I kidding? I can't send this. But I have nothing less to lose. Folding it up, I attached it to my deep black owl, Noctis Avem, “Please, take it to the Potter's.” With what seemed like a nod of approval, the owl flew off to where I presumed Lily lived.

Slowly, I stumbled towards my cauldron to work on my newest concoction, which aimed to allow the user to hover without the aid of a broom. I can't ever seem to get the hang of those wooden death traps.

James Potter's POV

I swear these days at the ministry get longer and longer, especially as I rarely leave the office anymore. Seeing as the majority of the Death Eaters had been rounded up long ago, I didn't get sent out on field work as often and my days consisted mostly of paperwork of those we had managed to catch. But my house was so nice to come back to. Godric's Hollow hasn't changed over the years, for which I'm thankful. Humming a tune about Babbity Rabbity, I open my door, dumping my bag by the side. Tap. Tap tap tap. There was an owl of sorts at the window, dark, no wonder I didn't notice it, the poor devil was sopping wet, blending in with the night perfectly. He must have been sitting on that pane for ages! I open the letter whilst simultaneously performing a silent drying spell to warm up the soggy creature. The letter wasn't addressed, so I presumed it was for me seeing as the owl was here. Luckily the rain had not hit the parchment.

As I scanned the letter, it sounded familiar. The tone of words were familiar. With a start it hit me. Snivellus! I hadn't heard from him in ages! Despite being aimed at Lily, I read the whole letter. Even though Lily was working, I had to see her. Telling the owl to meet me at Hogwarts, I apparated, feeling the all to familiar sensation of being squeezed through a pipe that was way too small for my frame.

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