Diagon Alley

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Sometimes, I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if my parents were still with me. They were murdered by Lord Voldemort almost 9 years ago. I live with Gran now, but she is strict. She makes me feel useless, like a waste of space. I don't think she always likes looking after me, but she has no choice. That doesn't matter anymore though, as I am going to boarding school in September. Despite the fact my whole family have been magically talented, it seems nothing has been passed on to me. Apparently, I should have shown some magical ability by now, and my Uncle Algie tried everything to get me to show some. He tried scaring the magic out. Yet nothing. He dropped me off the Blackpool pier once and I almost drowned. He then dropped me out the topmost floor of our house, and I probably would have died if the hedge hadn't appeared underneath the window and protected my fall.I secretly hoped that I would get a Hogwarts owl by now, but tomorrow I am 11 and I have lost hope in getting one, as have my family. What is left of them anyway. Gran has given up trying to not show her disappointment in me, even she says if I had a letter it should have come days ago.

"Neville!" Shouted Gran from the bottom of the stairs. "Breakfast!"

"Coming Gran!" I called back. I slid off my bed and walked down the stairs slowly, taking as much time as possible because breakfast was always awkward at the moment. I slid through the door into my usual seat, facing the window. I always sat here so I can keep an eye out for any owls that might fly this way. I started to eat my bacon and eggs, trying desperately not to look my Gran in the eye. I looked down at my plate then looked back out of the window. I wasn't really concentrating when I noticed a black fleck getting closer and closer to our kitchen window. In shock I dropped my fork. It made an ear-splitting clatter and dropped to the floor.

"Neville! Pick them up!" My Gran called, but I ignored her. The little black fleck wasn't a fleck anymore. It was a brown owl. Flying towards our house. I dashed around the table, and opened the window just in time. The owl flew in, dropped the letter on my shoulder then left again. I looked round at my Gran, her eyes, like mine, were as wide as dinner plates and her jaw had dropped so low she was drooling all over her knee. Suddenly she came to her senses. "Open it Neville! Let's see who it is from!" With trembling fingers I picked up the letter and looked at my name in shining emerald green letters. I ripped open the seal and took out a piece of parchment. "Read it Neville!" Gran asked. Unfolding it, I read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Longbottom,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerely,

Minevra McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress."

"Oh my God, Neville, your going to Hogwarts! You got in Neville!!" It wouldn't sink in no matter how many times Gran said it. I wasn't a squib. I was going to Hogwarts.


I didn't need Gran's shout today to wake me up, I was up before her. Today I was going to Diagon Alley to collect my school equipment. I was fidgeting whilst eating my breakfast, and kept getting the evil-eye from Gran. Eventually, under my close observation, Gran stood up and went to the the fireplace, then reached for the pot of green powder. I jumped up so fast that I tripped over and landed on my belly next to my chair. I swear I heard Gran snigger, but when I looked up at her, the thin line that I had grown so used to was back on her face. Standing up, I brushed myself off and dashed over to the fireplace. I grabbed a handful of the green powder, threw it into the fire, then jumped in. Unfortunately I banged my head on the brick arc, inhaled a whole bunch of ashes, yet managed to stutter out, 'T-t-the Lea-ky Cauld*cough*dron.' Despite tucking my elbows in, I was bumped from side to side of the fireplaces. Deciding to close my eyes was a bad decision as I couldn't stop myself from falling out of the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron. I was hoisted up off my feet by someone, I couldn't see who, but as soon as I was on my feet, he was shaking my hand so hard that it felt like it was going to fly off.

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