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Chapter 11- Dragon?!

Ron and I, once the coast was clear, dashed back to the common room, where a dirty and worried looking Hermione stood, next to Harry. Her face lights up as I walk in, relief evident.

“Neville! Your ok! I was so worried, Harry told me where you had gone, and I was scared that Quirrel would catch you!” She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She nods at Ron, but her eyes betray her hurt. I pull Hermione over to a secluded corner, by the fire.

“Hermione? Are you okay? I heard you were in the toilets all day, and I was so worried when the Troll came in. I thought it might catch up with you, and I wouldn't be able to tell you-”

“Tell me what?”

“That- that you mean a lot to me, you're a very good friend to me.” My face goes slightly red as I talk to my shoes.

“Thanks Neville, for caring. I'm fine, and I was in the toilets because- well Ron's words hurt.” She looked saddened.

“Just ignore Ron, Mione, I will always be here.” I told her with a smile. She started to giggle. Not what I was hoping for. “What's so funny?” I asked. That triggered it. She burst into uncontrollable laughter. Not what I was hoping for at all.

“I'm- Sorry” She squeezed out, between giggles. “It's just, Mione, is a very funny nickname.”

It was break, and I was out in the courtyard, waiting for Hermione to meet me. I noticed her and Harry had got closer after the Troll attack. There are some things people share that naturally make them become friends. By the sounds of it, taking on a 15 foot mountain Troll was one of them. I heard the door open, and I turned around to see Hermione walking towards me. As usual, she was carrying loads of books, the ones that wouldn't fit into her bag. Grinning, I thought, that's my Hermione.

“Hermione, I was wondering, if you wanted to go to the library, look up Professor Quirrel, finish homework?”

“I thought you'd never ask.” She stated calmly, almost happy at the thought. I sighed in relief. We walked side by side, our arms touching every so often. I wanted, more than anything, to reach out and grab her hand. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I could feel a slight electric shock every time our arms touched, like electricity was flowing between us. I liked the feeling. Strolling casually into the library, smiling at the ever frowning Madame Pince, we took a seat at our usual table. I pulled out my Potions homework, and my Defence Against the Dark Arts homework. For Potions, I had to write a 10 inch essay on the wart remover we made in class and how it was procured and the affect it had. I started, but after a line, I was confused.

“Hermione... Can you help me?” I asked, hoping she would as I didn't want to fail that class.

“Yeah, sure, how far did you get?” She asked politely, knowing full well I didn't write much. I held up my parchment, with one line of writing on it. She suppressed a smile, and took my parchment. “If I write this out rough, will you copy it out?”

“Yes! Thank you Hermione, your a life saver!” She smiled again, and I think a shadow of a blush appeared lightly on her cheeks.

After about ten minutes, she had filled my homework out, in her neat, tidy handwriting. It was a lot smaller than mine, and a hell of a lot neater. Handing it over the table, I grabbed my spare parchment, and started copying. It was simple enough to understand, so it would look like something I have wrote myself. The door to the Library opened again, Ron and Harry walking in.

“Hey Harry, Ron, over here!” I whisper-called getting their attention.

“Hey Hermione, Neville,” Harry and Ron replied at he same time. They joined us at our table, and simultaneously pulled their books out of their bag. For a while, it was quiet, with the scratching of quills on paper is the only sound heard. Other than Madame Pince's shoes, coming to check no one was befouling her books. I finished copying up, so I decided to talk to Harry, who had given up on his homework ages ago.

“Harry, you really fought off a fifteen foot troll?”

“Yeah!” He sounded relieved to be talking again. “It was A-MAZING. Me and Hermione were fighting it, when it grabbed Hermione, by the ankles. I Wingardium Leviosa'd the club, and it hit itself in the head, knocking it clean out. I caught Hermione, then the teachers came in, looking distressed. My Mum walked in, looking half dissapointed, half proud. It was epic. My Dad caused a lot of trouble when he was here, but it wasn't major. A bit like Ron's brothers. Unharmful fun.” He finished, sounding proud with himself.

“Wow.” There was a scuffling in a aisle, and a huge, bushy beard appeared out of the corridor.

“Hey Hagrid!” We all said in unison.

“Shusssshhhhh!” hissed Madame Pince.

“Hullo you four, how do you feel like coming dinner tonigh'? 6 o'clock?”

“Yeah, that sounds awesome Hagrid.” Harry answered “We'll be there.”

“Ok... I'll be goin' now...” Hagrid replied, sounding nervous. Now that I look, he has both hands behind his back, like he was hiding something. In three quick strides, Hagrid had left the Library. Ron jumped up and rushed to where Hagrid had been standing before.

“Dragons!” He whisper-called through the bookshelf.


“Dragons! Hagrid was researching Dragons! That's what he was hiding behind his back, a book on Dragons, you don't think he has one do you?”

“Well he has always wanted one, my parents told me, Hagrid told my Dad when he was younger.”

“Yeah... But he couldn't have one, it is illegal...” Hermione replied, but Ron interupted her deep thought,

“Yeah, but this is Hagrid we're talking about, maybe we should just go down his for dinner and hope for the best”


Sorry it has been so long, I had a slight writers block :/ Thanks for reading, and please vote and comment XD <3

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