Chapter 1

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This is my life, I’m a photographer and I have a house shop in LA and I have 1 huge house there, now the house shop has a dance studio upstairs and I’ve been work as a dance teacher too, I’m not too shy anymore. I have 3 best friends and 1 step brother, actually he is my friend but he is more like my own brother, they are Ella, James, Logan, and Carlos. I’m once a rusher but not anymore because my ex boyfriend, he is Kendall Schmidt and we’re broke up because he cheat on me, and we never talk since we broke up it have been 1 years. Many boy flirting and asking to be their girlfriend but I refused it. Today I gotta hangout with my friends, but someone come in to my Photography studio

“welcome to Shania’s Photography studio, anything I can help?”

“I’m the assistant of Scott Fellows, he wants you to be his band Photographer.”

“what band?”

“Big Time Rush.”’


“Big Time Rush. We’ll pay you $10000.”

“what.. umm.. give me 5 minutes.”

“ok.” she said then I go to the back to dialed Carlos and he pick up

“hey Shania. What’s up?”

“Carlos should I take the job.”

“of what?”

“to be your Photographer. Umm.. I mean the band’s Photographer?”

“take the job.”

“but I’m not ready to meet Kendall.”

“but it’s already a year.”

“ok, I work just for the money, not for Kendall.”

“ok, go get that.”

“how did she, umm.. I mean he knows me?”

“you’re famous now, you’ve worked for many celebs.”

“you’ve got a point.”

“see you tonight.”

“yeah see you.” then we hung up, and I go back to Scott’s assistant.


“ok, when I start?”

“great, Monday. Be there in 8 am. Don’t be late. Here’s my phone number and there is the address there.“

“thank you.”

“we’ll meet again Monday, happy Friday.”

“happy Friday to you too.” I said and she’s gone, and I’m so happy. That’s the most expensive payment in my whole working in the photography. And I decide to go to Carlos apartment, I drove my car there and hurry running to his apartment, I knock the door and he opened it then I hug him

“I got the job.”

“congrats.” He said and then Ella, Alexa (Carlos girlfriend), James, and Logan come from behind and hug me too it was a group hug, then they all let go,

“by the way, what kind of job?” (James)

“to be your band photographer.”

“wow, we work together.” (Logan)

“yes I know it’ll be amazing.” Then somebody get out from the bathroom “what’s going on out-“ he stopped as we look into each other eyes, he’s Kendall.

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now