Chapter 8

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Shania’s P.O.V

I’m in my room, doing nothing until there is a knock on my door. I opened it and there stood Alexa, Zefanya, my mom and then Ella. And their smile was so big.

"I have a bad feelings about this." (me)

"no, it’s gonna be a fun day." (Ella)

"we’re gonna go shopping for today." (mom)

"you all know that I don’t like shopping." (me)

"but I want you to show me the mall." (mom)

"and you’re the only one who could drive a car." (Alexa)

"please…" (Ella)

"ok, ok. But you must to buy me something." (me)

"I’ll buy you a pink mini dress and you’ll wear it right away. Then we could go to the salon and then eat in a fancy restaurant." (mom)

"why?" (me)

"why, what?" (Zefanya)

"it could spend a lot of money." (me)

"today was a girls day out." (Ella)

"ok, whatever." (me)

"let’s go." Ella said and we got out of my room and to my car. I leave my brothers with my cousins and my dad. We go to the mall. We shop and they all always looking for a pink mini dress and put it on me then they find one and tell me to use it and their eyes widened and tell me that was really good and they want me to wear it right now. So I just wear it. Then my mom and Zefanya looking for a pink scarf and Ella with Alexa looking for a pink shoe or heels. I just look at the pinky shoes. It was not like a jogging shoes, it was a party shoes. I don’t know what kind of shoes it was but it was pretty. I held it in my hand and when I turned around my mom, Zefanya, Ella and Alexa was behind me. My mom holding a pink scarf and Ella holding a pink high heels.

"can anybody tell me what’s going on?" (me)

"what?" (Ella)

"you all holding a things and it was all pink." (me)

"today we’re shopping for the poor you that never could choose your own clothes." (Zefanya)

"hey!" (me)

"she is telling you the truth." (mom)

"ok! But why? And you tell me to use it right now. I know there is something behind this." (me)

"what?! Pfft no. there is nothing. We’re just buying you things. Is there something wrong with it?" (Ella)

"yes, there is. Why?" (me)

"just try wear this, then we’ll pay for this." My mom said and gave me the scarf and I wear it and it looks good.

"that’s good. And now wear this." Ella said and gave me the highest heels ever. I refused it

"no, no, no, no, no. it was too high." (me)

"I agreed." (Ella)

"yeah, let’s search for the other." (Alexa)

"I’ve got one." I said and get the shoes that I choose a few minutes ago. Then they all looked at it.

"it’s good. It’s nice, casual, and not too nasty. It’s good. Try it." My mom said as I got it down on the floor and wear it and it fit my feet.

"wow, it was all fit. Let’s pay for it." Ella said and we go to the casher and pay it. Not too expensive as I thought.

"so where are we going now?" (me)

"salon." (Ella)

"not me ok." (me)

"oh, all of us." As Ella said that they drag me out and to the salon and they get my hair and my nails done. They colored my nail pink. And a little curly on the bottom of my hair and it all fit with my pink mini dress, scarf, and my shoes. After that we all got home to get my dad, my brothers and my cousins. They used the taxi because my car was not fit. Then my mom told me to go to the fancy restaurant and she told me that the other boys was there. We got down the car and get in the restaurant. And yes, they are all in here and all the clothes they wearing was fancy. And my friends was all wear a fancy clothes too. I wear a fancy clothes but it was more look like a casual one. We all sit next to our own boyfriends. I sat next to Kendall and he was looking at me all the time and his smile was so big and he is so handsome.

"why are you looking at me like that?" (me)

"you look so beautiful." (Kendall)

"thank you, and can you stop staring at me?" (me)

"I can’t. You look so beautiful." (Kendall)

"whatever, just don’t look at me like that." I said and turn his head around with my hand so he is not staring at me. And he chuckles. Then the waiter came to us bringing the menu and gave it to us.

"what did you want to have for the drink?" (waiter)

"I’ll take mineral water, no ice." (me)

"same." (Kendall)

"I want a diet coke." (Carlos)

"same." (Alexa)

"orange juice." (Mom)

"guava juice." (Dad)

"strawberry juice." (Zefanya)

"chocolate milkshake." (Logan)

"ice lemonade." (Ella)

"same." (James)

"mineral water." (Oniel)

"same." (Chris)

"give them ice tea." My mom said and pointed to my brothers that playing with their iPad’s

"ok so, 4 mineral water, 2 diet coke, 1 orange juice, 1 guava juice, 1 strawberry juice, 1 chocolate milkshake, 2 ice lemonade, and 2 ice tea." (Waiter)

"yeah." (mom)

"ok, I’ll be back with all of it." She said and leave and I started to look over the menu and no longer the waiter came with our drink and gave us ours. Then she asked what we wanted to eat and we ordered what we wanted to eat. Then no longer the food out and we eat, talked and laugh. We finished eat and we pay the food and we got out and my brothers and cousins are in Kendall’s car and I drive my mom and dad, and the girls are on their own boyfriends car. Kendall’s car lead us where we go. And he leading us to the park. We parked at the park and got down and all the confuse feeling was all in me. Then my brothers run to the playground and play with my cousins and the all the couple take a walk around the park even my mom and dad. I just look to everywhere and still feel confused with what happened today. Then Kendall came toward me and stand so close to me. He gave me a peck on the lips then take my hand and started to run with my hand on his hand.



"why are we running?!" as I asked that he stopped run and we’re now in the middle of the park. Actually this is the first time I got to the park.

"we’re not running again now."

"can you tell me why?"

"why what?"

"what’s wrong from the morning till’ now?"


"is there anything with the whole shopping things and now park and I still confused. Please tell me why?" as I asked that he gave me a book.

"a book?"

"open it."

"but why?"

"just open it. You’ll see." He said and I opened the book and sometimes look at Kendall and he just smiled. It lead to the middle of the book, when I opened it I gasped with what was in it. It was a pink hearted ring.

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now