Chapter 10

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*Wedding day*

Today is the day and I’m so nervous. I was in my wedding dress now and set all up and everything else. After get the make up on we go to the church. We’re using the limo. I was so nervous, very-very nervous. We’re here in the church and I could saw my dad in front of my limo door waiting for me smiling. I got out and take my dad’s hand.


"I’m nervous but I’m ready." I said smiling and he smiled too. Then the door opened and we walked down the aisle. And when I arrived in front of the room and Kendall give me his hand and I took it and slipped my arm to his arm and faced the pastor as he began to speak.

"Shania Darlene Timothy, do you take Kendall Francis Schmidt as your husband and always stay together until the death separate you two?"

"I do."

"Kendall Francis Schmidt, do you take Shania Darlene Timothy as your wife and always stay together until the death separate you two?"

"I do."

"you may kiss the bride." As the pastor said that we kissed. Then everyone cheered. Then the pastor told us to get the ring in our ring finger and we do what he told us to do and Kendall lifted me up and get me in the limo and closed the door and we’re heading to the hotel to get ready for the event tonight.

"I love you." (Kendall)

"I can’t believe today was happening." (me)

"I believe." (Kendall)

"it feels like I’m dreaming but I can’t wake up myself." (me)

"oh." (Kendall)

"what oh?" I asked confused and he moved closer, closer, closer and closer and smiled and started to tickle me, and I laugh.



"stop… tickle… me!"

"I can’t." as he said that I could see his lips and I got my head up and kissed him and by that he stopped tickle me and keep kissing me softly, passionately. I let go of him and sit nicely again and smiled and chuckle because, I kiss him and all he do he stopped and keep kissing me.

"why are you laughing?" (Kendall)

"you’re so funny." (me)

"about what?" (Kendall)

"when I kiss you and you stop everything you do." (me)

"because the one who kiss me is you." (Kendall)

"stop." (me)

"what?" (Kendall)

"stop saying anything, just shut up." I said and go near him and kiss him again and he kissed me back. We don’t know how long it was because I don’t feel anything until someone knocked the window of the limo. I get off of him and smiled and he smiled too. I hurry look out the window and there was Ella standing there.

"got down from the other side, the paparazzi is everywhere." (Ella)

"what?!" (me)

"the paparazzi is here. Hurry! Run!" (Ella)

"how could I run in this dress." (me)

"I could lift you up." Kendall said and got out from the car and to my side and I was still confused of what he talk about, then he opened the door and get me out and lifted me in the bridal style and rushing in no matter the paparazzi take the picture and asking question and everything. We finally got in and to the elevator with Ella and to the hotel room in the 10th floor and we got out and to my room and there is everybody in there.

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now