Chapter 9

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I opened it I gasped with what was in it. It was a pink hearted ring.

"Kendall, what? Why are you?" I said and look at him and now he is on one knee.

"will you marry me?" he asked and my heart beat so fast, I can’t believe what was just happened.

"Kendall. I – I, I’m not gonna refuse it. Yes, I do!" I said and he got up and take the ring and wear it in my ring finger. It was so pretty. I look up at Kendall and our forehead touched. Then he moved close, and closer and closer until out lips touched. He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Then I heard a "krack" and a flash light. I hurry got off of Kendall and look around and there is some of the paparazzi. I hurry take Kendall’s hand and run to the playground and take my brothers and get them in my car and Kendall got in the driver seat and I gave him the key and he drove off to my house. Then we arrived at my house and we got down and unlock my house and got in and flew to the couch and rest and Kendall take a sit next to me and my brothers are already going to their room. I rest my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. Then I remembered about my parents and my friends. I hurry get my phone out and dialed Ella. And she pick it up.

"where are you?"

"I’m sorry. I got home fast, because the paparazzi. And can you please take my brothers, parents and cousins back home?"


"thank you so much."

"you owe me one."

"what? We’re friends and friends must-"

"help each other. Yeah I know. I’ll be there soon."

"ok, thank you so much."

"you’re welcome. Bye." She said and hung up. I put my phone back to my purse and remembered about his car in the park.

"what about your car?"

"we could take it tomorrow. Let’s go to sleep."

"I must to wait for my parents."

"but we can wait in your room."

"you’ll sleep in my private room."

"but you come with me."




"oh come on."


"you ask for it." He said and moved close to me and kissed me. Then he let go and tickle me. I can’t hold it and I laugh and try to get him off of me.

"Kendall!! Can’t… breath… please… stop…" I said between my laugh. And he laugh and stopped and rest his back on the couch and get his legs on my tights and he closed his eyes. Oh man. I got out from his legs and moved on top of him and kissed his cheek. And he smiled. And I laughed. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me and I started laughing.


"you’re so funny."

"how could I be funny?"

"you smiled when I kissed your cheek, when you closed your eyes."


"if that was not me who kiss your cheek, what will you do?"

"like what?"

"a dog. Or my flip-flops."

"eww.." he said and I laughed. Then we stopped and I was still on top of him and we stare into each other eyes. Then there is a knock on the door, I smiled and got off of him and opened the door and there was my parents, cousins and friends. I let them in and Kendall was now sit nicely on the couch. They all have a tired face and I think they’re so tired and they all leave me without saying anything. I got back to Kendall and take his hand and walk with him to my room. When I opened my door I feel Kendall’s hand slipped behind my knee and behind my shoulder as he carry me into the bedroom and get me on the bed.

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now