Chapter 6

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I heard Kendall honking his car and I jumped and seat properly again

"Kendall what’s wrong?"

"the car in front of us was crazy."

"you freaked me out from my brain."


"yes I was thinking about what you’re saying 5 minutes ago."

"so do you get it?"

"I still unsure about it."

"just split it out."

"are we gonna?... um.. I don’t know. Maybe yes maybe no."

"just said it out."

"marry." I said fast and in low voice.


"I don’t want to repeat it."

"ok. So now to the other topic. When is your parents come?"

"Oh no…"


"they’ll be here tomorrow and they said they’ll came here with all my niece and all my auntie. And my house must be clean or my mom mouth will explode."

"explode?" he asked laughing

"yes, she will said anything that I don’t like to hear from her. And I must to clean up all the bedroom. And you can’t sleep with me for tomorrow night or my mom mouth will explode louder."

"hey don’t make your mom as a nightmare. Just enjoy anything, everything."

"I can’t I’m stressed Kendall, hurry the car home."

"ok." he said and go faster and it’s only took 5 minutes to home, I rushing in the door and hurry go to Ella that sitting on the couch

"Ella pleas, please, please help me."

"sure what?"

"clean up this house."

"it must be so tiring."

"my mom is come by tomorrow and you know what’ll happened if my mom found my house all dirty."

"oh no she’ll explode, ok, I’ll help you now." She said and got up

"thank you so much. I’ll take the vacuum cleaner."

"I’ll take the mop." She said and rushing took the mop, then no longer Zefanya come out

"home so fast I see."

"help me clean up the house!" i siad and she nodded and we started to cleaning the house.


hey guys! i'll be updating soon, because i ran out of the story. and thanks so much for reading this!!! love you!!


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