Chapter 2

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somebody get out from the bathroom "what’s going on out-" he stopped as we look into each other eyes, he’s Kendall. -- "I gotta go now. Bye." I said and run away to my car and he followed me from behind calling my name, I ignored it. Until I get in my car and turn it on, I turn on the music so loud so I can’t hear anything, I let all my sadness in the music I close my eyes and I cry and I could hear Kendall knocking the window and say something, I’m sorry Kendall I can’t hear you and I’m not ready to meet you. Then I wipe all my tears and start to drive away back to my house.

Kendall’s P.O.V.

Now she drove away leave me in the parking lot alone, I want her back so bad. But I can’t, she don’t believe me, and she don’t want to meet me, it’s already a year. I can’t stay away from her like this. Then I decided to go back to Carlos apartment to take my car key then drove to Shania’s house shop, I open the door and get in

"what’s wrong with her?" I asked, almost to myself

"you gotta go get her. She can’t forgot about you, and you have lost 1 rusher." (Ella)

"why is she come here?"

"she got a job, that pay her so expensive." (Carlos)

"really? Who?"

"Scott." (Logan)

"Scott our producer?"


"you gonna get her, it’ll has been easy for you to get her back." (Logan)

"but how?"

"sing her a song, I don’t know. Don’t give up with her, she still love’s you, but she’s afraid to get hurt again. Many other guys flirt and asked her to be their girlfriend, but she refused it." (Ella)

"I gotta talk to her, when she start working with Scott?"




"I gotta go now."


"to Shania’s house shop, why?"

"if you try to find her there, you’re not gonna find her there." (Logan)

"what? Why?"

"she already has her own house. And she open a dance class in her Photography studio, she is a good dancer." (Ella)


"can you ask anything else beside really?" (Carlos)

"where is her house."

"I’ll give you the address." (Ella) she said then she wrote the address on a paper then handed it to me. "thank you so much." I said and then I rushing go to my car in the parking lot, I got in the car and started the car to Shania’s house I go there as fast as I could, I arrived at a huge house, colored soft pink, soft purple and white, she’s obsessed with all those color, I got out the car and knock on the door, then the door opened slowly, then she got her head out to look who’s coming, she look at me and gasp, then she close the door again but I stuck one of my feet at the door so she can’t close it,

"how did you know my house?!"

"Ella told me. Now, let me in."

"no, go away!" she yell from inside


"what did you want?!"

"I want you to take me back."

"not gonna happen!"


"no. go away!"

"no, I’ll never go away if you not forgive me."

"I forgive you."

"but why you don’t want to speak with me?"

"I’m not ready to meet or speak with you."

"but you already speak with me."

"I don’t want to speak with you but you keep asking me a question." She started to cry

"please. Let me talk with you."

"no. leave me alone."

"please let me talk with you."

"there is nothing we need to talk about again."

"yes there is."

"go away!" she said and cry harder and then she go away from the door, then I got a change to get in, I heard a slammed door and then a music played so loud, she must be in the karaoke room, I heard she scream and cry. Then until I heard no more cry and it’s only a music played loud, then I try to open the door but I can’t, I search for her room, because she must have a spare keys for everything. Then finally I found her room and her room is pink, purple, and white, with some wallpaper sticker. Then I check her drawer there is nothing, then I try to search in the other drawer but there is nothing, then there is a keypad in the corner of the room, it need a password, I try her name but it can’t, then I try her birthday and then the desk lifted up and there is a door to a room, I got in the room and look around it’s look like a hidden place like in the spy movies. There is a computer in there, a sofa, a fridge, a bed, a television, and a radio, and the wall was pink, purple, blue and white. And the blue wall was covered with a picture, her brothers, mother, father, Ella, James, Carlos, Logan and a big piece of paper of my face and it was half ripped, and there is a picture of me and Shania kissing but cut into 2 pieces, and there is a picture of me and she, cut in to 2 pieces, and there is a picture of me again but there is a widow of a lipstick on the mouth. She still in love with me.

"Kendall, what are you?" she said and I turn around to face her.

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