Chapter 3

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"Kendall, what are you?" she said and I turn around to face her

"Shania. I- I’m sorry."

"you broke my privacy."

"I’m sorry."

"get out!"


"get out!" she said and point her finger to the door, then I got out, and then got out the house and close the door and get in my car and drove away to my house. I arrived at my house, I turn off the car and get down and get in the house, my mom was sitting at the couch

"hey sweetie, how are you?"

"I’m fine."

"no you’re not, you got any problem?"


"tell me about it." She said and I tell her everything

"you love her so much don’t you?"

"yes, and I can’t forgot about her. She still love me but she don’t want to be my girlfriend, because she’s afraid to love again."

"I believe you will get her back, who don’t loves you?"

"in Monday she’ll start working with Scott."

"working as a?"

"a photographer."

"wow she’s a photographer?"

"yes, and by that I will get her back."

"ok now you go sleep, it’s late now."

"ok mom. Night."

"night." She said and I go upstairs to my room and fell asleep, I’m too tired to get change.

**2 days later / Monday**

I woke up in the morning, I look at the clock at it says 6 am and urgh.. I must to be there at 8. So I got to the bathroom take a bath and wear my blue u neck shirt and my jeans and my leather jacket. I go down stairs and to the kitchen and my mom is cooking, my dad and my brothers are in the dining room.

"hey mom." I said and kiss her cheek

"hey Kendall, hungry?"


"wait there with your brothers and your father."

"ok." I said and go to the dining room

"hey dad, brothers."

"hey Kendall." (Kenneth)

"hey big bro." (Kevin)


"what’s wrong with you?" (Kevin)


"you look so sad, stressed. And all dress up well. Where are you going?" (Kevin)

"go work for a photo shoot and get my girl back."

"whoa.. girl?" (Kenneth)


"since when?" (Kevin)

"a year in a half ago."

"why don’t you tell us?" (Kevin)

"I don’t know. Why did you care?"

"Whoa.. slow down, I just want to know about my brother." (Kevin)

"I’m sorry I’m stressed."

"calm down, we’ll help you." (Kevin)


"I don’t know." (Kevin)

"thank you, I just need to eat and go to the photo shoot." I said and I eat as fast as I could because I can’t wait to meet her. After I eat I said goodbye to them and leave to the place that we’re taking the picture. I arrived at the photo shoot place, and now was still 7 am, I got down then I got in there and I see Shania is getting the set to be ready and she was holding a heavy thing, I run to her and take it from her


"hey, where is should put this thing?"

"over there." She said and show me the place behind her desk, then I put it there

"what are you doing?"

"I came earlier."

"why you must be here at 8."

"but I can’t wait to…"

"to what?"

"to finally meet you and my friends."

"ok. You gotta go to the dressing room, all your clothes are already there. Go get change and don’t come out till’ 8."

"where is my dressing room?"

"I’ll show you." She said and show me the way to my dressing room

"what should I do in there in an hour?"

"I don’t know, staring at your clothes? Do something with your twitter, make something, writing a song, play guitar. I don’t know do something. I have to do something else. Great meeting you. See you at 8." She said and go. Then I got in my dressing room, I look at the clothes in there, and look around the room, there is a guitar and I took the guitar and play a song from Jason Mraz, ‘you and I both’ I open my laptop and set the camera then record it

Shania’s P.O.V.

I’m about to call Kendall that the other guys we’re here and want to talk to him, before I get in there I hear he sing a song,

"Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me
Oh things are gonna happen naturally
Oh taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side 
And balancing the whole thing
But often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright lights turn to night
Until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love, the love that I love.

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards
More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive

You and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore
And with this silence brings a moral story 
More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just dream of
And if you could see me now
Well I'm almost finally out of
I 'm finally out of
Finally deedeedeedee 
Well I'm almost finally, finally 
Well I'm free, oh, I'm free

And it's okay if you have go away
Oh just remember the telephone works both ways
And if I never ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside 
Have finally found you someone else and that's okay
Cause I'll remember everything you sang

Cause you and I both loved what you and I spoke of
and others just read of and if you could see now
well I'm almost finally out of.
I'm finally out of, finally, deedeeededede
well I'm almost finally, finally, finally out of words." He sang, I would stand there forever and do nothing to hear he sing so beautiful "I love you Shania." He ended like that, he still loves me, but stupid me, not taking his back. But what should I do? He just say it, anyone could say it easily. Then somebody open the door and I can’t go anywhere because the door swung so fast

"hey Shania, what’s wrong."

"umm.. a.. the-the other are here, umm.. I mean the guys are here.. Carlos, James, Logan are here, with Ella and Alexa."

"oh ok. Where are they?"

"umm.. they are in Carlos dressing room over there." I said and point my finger to Carlos dressing room

"okay, thanks." He said and kiss my cheeks, Oh no I feel it again, I fall in love with him again

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now