Chapter 9

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I a woke from light snoring. I noticed Leighton sleeping on the floor. I was in bed, Finn's perhaps. I remember coming to his house and meeting his family. I don't even remember staying the night. I must have seeing that this isn't my house. I tried my best to sneak out of the bedroom without waking Leighton up. I pushed the stairs down and climbed down them before pushing it back up to the ceiling.

I heard the TV playing from downstairs.

"Had a good nights sleep?" A voice came from behind me making me scream. I turned around to see a laughing Brittany. "Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you," She told me and continued to laugh.

"Everything alright?" Finn asked from the bottom of the stairs. I nodded and made my way down to him. Finn directed me to the kitchen to make me some cereal. Don't get me wrong, I would perfectly be able to make my own cereal, it's just I don't want to seem rude or take control of someone else's house and besides I don't know where everything is. "Enjoy!" Finn smirked and sat down at the round table opposite me.

"Thank you," I smiled back eating away at my Coco Pops. Finn started to slap his hands against the table to make a beat. He would do well as a drummer I think. After ten minutes we went to the living room. Kayleigh sat on the sofa watching the TV.

"Did I miss it?" Finn asked her pointing to the TV.

"Yeah you did and I can't be fucked to rewind the whole thing," Kayleigh replied. I'm guessing Brittany lets her family swear with the amount of times they spoken it has at least a swear word in it and she doesn't seem to care.

"I'll just watch it another time," Finn said sounding gutted and entwined our fingers together. I wonder where he's taking me now. We went back to the kitchen and walked out of the door on the left. We ended up in the garden. There was a few baby toys which I am guessing is Harry's and a rather large trampoline. Finn dragged me over to it. We stepped onto it and bounced up and down. I tried to get higher than Finn, but it's always hard to bounce when someone is on it too.

"No!" I yelled out trying to push him down so I could get higher, but you know what? It didn't fucking work. Finn laughed. I love his laugh, it's so spontaneous. "Thank you for yesterday, Finn. I had so much fun," I smiled. Finn nodded, but couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"That's okay my Problem," Really with that nickname again? I sighed and rolled my eyes before quickly smiling.

"Shut up, Dumb Skater," I smirked. Finn just chuckled.

"Finn!" Brittany's voice yelled out. We looked over at the door to see Brittany and Harry. "Let Harry play with you two? He wants to," She said. Finn sighed and told him to hurry up. Harry ran as fast as he could over to the trampoline and tried jumping higher than me.

"Hi Thea," Harry had trouble pronouncing my name which I found cute. He's a little cutie.

"Harry is my half brother," Finn explained to me. I smiled. Harry hugged onto my legs which was cute. "Harry stop!" Finn said starting to get annoyed at his younger brother. Finn tried his best to get Harry off of me.

"It's okay. I don't mind," I smiled.

"It won't be when you see him every time you come here and he'll think it's alright to hug your legs," Finn said still trying to get his younger brother off me.

"Who said I'm coming back here?" I asked surprised. I didn't even know he wanted me coming back here.

"You can't get enough of me so you'll defo be coming back," He smirked. I rolled my eyes. He's one vein bastard, isn't he? "Nah, it's stupid when guys say that. I have never said that to any girl, let alone any person before, but for some reason I can see you coming back here. Why? I don't know why, who would want to come back to this house? It's a shit hole," He chuckled.

"This house and this family is very lovely, I love it so much. I just don't see how they can deal with you every single day of their lives," I smirked making him feel. Finn pretended to be hurt and Harry just continued to laugh at his brother's funny faces.

After an hour or two, Leighton had gone home and I thought it was about time I had left this family alone and went home. They've probably had enough of seeing my face. Finn and I were currently on the shitty swings out in the back garden.

"I should be going home," I told Finn. For a second then he actually looked sad. I'm starting to like this goofball, this Dumb Skater. "I'm going to get dressed," I stood up.

"I'll walk you to my bedroom," Finn said, I stopped what I was doing and looked at him weirdly. Did he just say he was going to walk me to his bedroom? "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?" He laughed. I might as well keep this stupid child happy. I nodded and made my way towards the back door, Finn entwined our hands together. He's just so cute.

"Thank you, Finn. Thank you for walking me to your bedroom," I joked.

"It was my pleasure, Thea," Finn played along and kissed my hand. He should totally be an actor, he'd be good at it. I watched as Finn pulled down the stairs that were connected to the ceiling and climbed up them. Finn pushed them back up to give me some privacy. I quickly got dressed and reached over for my jacket which managed to end up behind all of Finn's beautiful picture frames of him and his friends back wherever he had come from. I must have knocked something over because the next thing I remembered was pills being thrown around the room. I gasped, I was not expecting that to happen. I heard Finn worrying and pull down the stairs before running up them.

"Finn?" I don't know how he's going to react to a pot of pills all over the floor. Finn stared down at the pills and glared at me. He looked a mixture of anger and confusion or maybe it was embarrassment.

"What are you doing with them?!" He screamed at me. Oh shit, what have I done? I didn't mean to do this. Why couldn't I have just been careful with getting my jacket? I am such a clumsy person.

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