Chapter 3

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*Jinxx's P.O.V.*

I when I woke up, it was to my phone going off. I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I said, my voice still filled with sleep.

"Congratulations, you proved to me they are close now. I'm done here. From now on, you will protect her. Random clues will appear in your presence. You must give them to her without her knowing its you. If you fail...Well, you don't want to know what will happen. You'll know when she's ready to find out the rest of her heritage. Also, before you give the letters to Christina, read them." The line went dead. I sighed and flopped back down. There was a letter taped to the top of my bunk. I reached up and snatched it down. The writing was curly and neat cursive. It was sealed shut and on the front of it was Chris's name. I sighed. I slipped it under my pillow and closed my eyes again just as my curtain ripped open. CC was there.

"We have to take Chris home." He said, a hint of sadness in his voice. I nodded and going out of my bunk, grabbing the letter when he wasn't looking.

*Christina's P.O.V.*

We pulled into my drive way. I hugged everyone goodbye. A small tear welled in my eye. I hoped they had forgotten about getting the blade from me by now. When I hugged Andy, he gently kissed my cheek, sending a rush through me. I smiled as he let go of me. I was starting to walk off the bus when Andy stopped me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"The blade." He simply said. I walked off the bus, leading them to my house. I walked inside and lead them up to my room. They looked around at the black and red walls. I walked to my dresser and opened the drawer. I pulled out my blood-stained pocket knife and handed it to Andy.

"Any more?" Jinxx asked. I shook my head. In truth, there were 4 more just in this room because I had a terrible memory and they were all over the house. In total, there were 7 or 8. "Are you sure?" He asked again. Thats when I looked over at Jake. He was running his hand under the rim of my other dresser. Thats where I had another one hidden. Dammit. He found it and pulled it out. he raised it up. It was the one of the halves of a pair of broken scissors. He handed it to Andy, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"I want all of them. Now." Andy said sternly. I walked around my room, finding them. Taped to the back of my lamp, hidden in a slipper and under my mattress.

"There's more and I know it." Jinxx said. I sighed and pushed past them, walking out of my room. I went into the living room and reached under the coffee table. I removed it and handed it to Andy. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard and pulled it off the 3rd shelf up. I walked to the bathroom and there was one on a ledge in the shower. Now Andy had 7 blades in his hands. The only one that was left was the other 1/2 of the broken scissors. I walked outside on my balcony and found it on the table in plain sight. I handed it to him, then turned towards him. I had tears welling in my eyes. He carefully handed them to Jinxx and walked over to me. He hugged me tightly and at his touch, it all came pouring out. He kissed my head and sat down with me, rocking me back and forth. It was comforting.

After about 10 minutes, I had calmed down and they had to go. When they left, on the stand beside my door was a letter. It had my name on it in cursive writing. I picked it up and when I was about to open it, my phone rang.

"Hello?" My voice still sounded shaky.

"I'm done here. Just read the letters and you will be guided and understand more. Don't disobey and you will be helped. Disobey and your heritage will remain a mystery." The line buzzed indicating the voice had hung up. I tossed my phone on the couch and opened the letter.

"Dear Christina,

By now you are probably wondering why someone doesn't just tell you what your heritage it, right? Well guess what. You won't believe it and right now, I need you to do something very special for me, ok? Good. I need you to go to the store and buy pancake mix. Also, buy rat poison. I want you to make pancakes...Make sure you use the whole thing of rat poison in them, then I want you to sit down and have a nice breakfast. Eat all of the pancakes. Don't puke and don't gag. If you do as I want you to, you will see hallucinations, explaining your next task. You'll be fine, don't worry."

The Letter That Answers Everything **In Editing**Where stories live. Discover now