Chapter 18

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*5 days later, Christina's P.O.V.*

The next few days were hell. I was constantly puking, but I never let Ashley see. I wanted it to be a surprise. I went with Sammi to the store again yesterday.


Sammi knocked on the bus door while the guys were out getting their stuff together for the warped tour that started tomorrow.

"Do you really think you are pregnant again." I smiled and nodded, hopeful I was. "Is the baby Ash's?" She asked. I nodded again, smiling. "Ok, why are you so happy???" She asked. I laughed.

"Because, if I am pregnant, then Ashley will be happy because this time, we meant for it to happen." I said excitedly. Just then I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. I puked in the toilet 3 or 4 times, the flushed it and rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth. I walked back out to Sammi, who hugged me tightly.

"Lets go get the test!" She said happily. This time we only bought 2 different tests. We pulled back into the driveway and Sammi and I ran into the bus, excited to find out the result.

5 minutes later Sammi and I were jumping up and down, squealing and hugging each other.

"When you find out the gender, I'm taking you on a huge shopping spree with Lauren and Ella!" She said. I smiled and we had another teenage girl moment just as the guys walked in. They looked at us and laughed. Ashley looked at me with a questioning look. I smirked and ran up to him.

I stood on my tippy toes and whispered in my ear "I'm pregnant." I felt his strong embrace wrap me up an swing me around while I was laughing and smiling like an idiot. When Ashley put me down, he didn't let me go, but he kissed me deeply, right in front of the guys.

*End flashback*

Jinxx found out through Sammi who had told him. Jinxx went off on me, then on Ashley right in front of the guys, so the found out from Jinxx and all Ashley and I did was laugh about it. Jinxx wasn't happy about it at all.

*3 months later*

Ashley had been so busy with warped tour that we hadn't had time to find out the gender of our baby, but tomorrow was the day we would know. Tomorrow they had a day off and I don't know about Ashley, but I could barely stay in my seat.

*The next day, Ashley's P.O.V.*

Today Crissy and I would find out the gender of the baby. Jinxx wasn't happy and Andy seemed a little down, but the rest of the guys were actually supportive this time. I smiled to myself as I drove Crissy to the hospital. CC and Lauren were in the backseat with Sammi chatting happily and CC in his own little world of harassing my Christina and Jinxx, Andy, Jake, Ella and even Juliet whom I'd agreed to let come were in the other car, following me.

We pulled into the hospital and I jumped out of my car, the girls following but getting to Christina before me and dragging her inside while they all laughed. I felt a slap on the back of my head and turned while rubbing my head to see Jinxx. I smiled nervously and followed the girls inside with Jinxx and the others trailing behind me.

*An hour later*

"Congratulations Miss Ferguson, Mr. Purdy. You are having a baby girl." Said the blonde, female nurse. She kept flirting with me, but I waved it off and when she said we were having a girl, the guys and girls clapped and Jinxx softened a little, but didn't clap. Me on the other hand, once Christina had stood up I hugged her tightly, then kissed her, ignored the kick in the leg I received from Jinxx. I wasn't going to let anything happen to either of my babies this time.

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