Chapter 8

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I listened as Christina read the letter.

"So this is it. The letter that answers everything. Well first things first: Andy, don't be mad at Christina or anything. She had break up with you as part of the test to see if she would break or not. She didn't...Not completely. She didn't want to do it, but she's strong. But anyway, Christina. You have 2 brothers. Me, the man you saw the other night in the hospital and the other...Well, lets just say our last name isn't Knight. Its-" She stopped reading and cupped a hand over her mouth. She kept shaking her head no, then she dropped the letter and ran out of the bus. The guys and I looked at each other. I got up and picked up the letter. I scanned it for a moment, then found where she had left off and continued.

"It's Ferguson. That's right, Jinxx is your brother. I want you to go on tour with him and sell your house. You only get to keep the majority of your clothes and your most prized possessions. Nothing else. Everything gets sold and the money gets transferred to your bank account. No if's, and's or but's. Oh and you and Jinxx won't see me again." I couldn't believe what I was reading. Jinxx has a sister?!?! And she's going on tour with us?? Oh my God. We had to find her.

*Andy's POV*

Oh my God. Did I hear that right? Jinxx has a sister? And I dated her? Yup. That's right. And she just ran out of the bus. I wonder if Jinxx knew about this? Of course he did. Right? Yes. He had to.

*Jake's POV*

What? Jinxx has a sister? How did he not tell us? Well maybe he didn't know. How didn't Crissy know though? Wait. Crissy! She ran out of the bus. SHIT!

*CC's P.O.V.*

 Ok. Let me see if this is right. Jinxx and Crissy are related. Andy and Chris dated. They broke up. Chris didn't know about Jinxx being her brother. Did Jinxx know? I hope so. Oh yea, and Chris just ran off of our bus. Yup, as crazy as that may seem, it's true. I sighed. Crissy now meant that much more to me.

*Jinxx's P.O.V.*

 Yes, I knew Chris was my sister. I didn't want to tell her though because I had been instructed not to and I also knew about our brother too. He was 15, almost 16. His name was Max. Him and I were close. Then after dad died, we kind of drifted apart and thats when the letters started for Crissy.... I felt bad about not telling her, but I didn't know what would happen if I did, so I kept it secret. I stood up.

"Ok, you guys are probably wondering if I knew or not. Yes. I did know, but I was instructed not to tell. Now we have to go get Christina!" I said and bolted for the door, the guys following.

*Christina's P.O.V.*

I ran off of the bus into the now setting sun. The words of the letter repeated over and over in my head. How was I related to Jinxx? I'm not complaining. Like I said, I always felt close to him in someway, just not sure how. Well now I do...

I don't know where I was...Well, I did-I was in a park-But I didn't know the name. I stopped for a while and caught my breath. I walked through the park and saw a giant tree. I mean giant. I walked up to it. There was a bench wrapping around it. I stepped up onto the bench and reached up to a low branch. I grabbed it and hoisted myself up. I stood on the branch and jumped up, hooking onto another. I continued until I was pretty far up and if you were actually looking up, you wouldn't find me. Even then you might not. I sighed and leaned against the trunk, evening out my weight on the tree branch. I closed my eyes and let the tears come. He didn't tell me. No one did. Why did they keep it a secret from me? Why didn't they just tell me? I cried silently, sitting up in the tree and after about 15 minutes I heard footsteps.

The Letter That Answers Everything **In Editing**Where stories live. Discover now