Chapter 13

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*The next morning, Christina's P.O.V.*

When I woke up, I was in pain and I was burning up. I groaned as I rolled over and hugged the cold wall. I heard a chuckle and turned to see Ashley.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Oh nothing....Wall hugger." He said, smirking and walked away. I sighed returned to the wall. Where was Andy? I shrugged and closed my eyes, letting my body drift back to sleep.

About an hour later Ashley and CC had pulled me out of bed, literally and I was walking back from the bathroom, dressed and looking decent when the bus-which was going about 85 down the highway-came to a sudden dead stop. The guys were all sitting down and I was the only one standing. I flew to the floor, and as instinct, used my hands to keep me from falling.

When I hit the floor I felt a horrible, sharp pain shoot up my arm and into my shoulder. I screamed in pain and lay on the floor hugging my arm and fighting on-coming tears. In an instant the guys were around me.

"Oh my God, Crissy are you ok?!?!" Jinxx asked, sounding extremely worried. I was unable to talk because if I did, tears would pour out, so I simply shook my head. Jinxx was closest to me, next to Andy and Ashley who was standing back a little, between Andy and Jinxx.

*Jinxx's P.O.V.*

I was sitting on the couch talking to the guys as Chris walked out into the living room from the bathroom. All of a sudden, the bus came to sudden dead stop and we all flew into each other, creating a sandwich of us and Crissy hit the floor, using her arms to stop her fall as instinct. I heard a horrible, ear-piercing scream and knew it was from Chris. I looked and on the floor she was hugging her arm and fighting tears. In a second the guys and I were surrounding her, full of worry.

*Jake's POV*

I was talking with CC, listening to Jinxx as he talked to Ashley and then the bus came to a dead stop. CC smashed into me and I heard an ear-piercing scream. My first thought was Christina. I don't know why, but fear over took my body and I moved close to her, watching her as her small body lay in a ball on the floor, fighting tears while Jinxx asked her if she was ok.

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I was talking to Jinxx and all of a sudden, I was hurled into him and a horrible, shrill scream pierced my ears. My first, involuntary thought was 'My beautiful Christina.' I looked at her as her body lay on the floor, shaking in pain, tears close to escaping her eyes. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as I got up and stood behind Jinxx and Andy. I was filled with concern, worry and fear for her. I felt so bad that she was in this state and I couldn't do anything to help her.

*Andy's P.O.V.*

I was in my own world, thinking about a previous concert experience, one of many, where I went off on someone for hating or starting a fight. I smiled to myself, then in an instant I was thrown into CC. I groaned as a shrill, high-pitched, ear-piercing scream struck my ears. CHRIS! Oh no! I looked and she lay on the floor, shaking in pain, fighting tears and hugging her arm. Oh my God. Before I could even process getting up, I was next to her as Jinxx asked if she was ok. 'Of course she isn't, you idiot!' I mentally said. Even though no one heard it, I still felt bad about even thinking this. I just wanted Christina to be ok. I was desperately hoping it was nothing horrible. I watched her as she shook her head. Oh my God. I was trying to fight my own tears coming on. I know she was my girlfriend, but why was I crying? Because I was scared for her? But she would be fine. It couldn't be that serious, could it?

*CC's P.O.V.*

Before I could process the screeching bus tires, I was being thrown into Ashley, then crushed by Andy. A scream struck my ears. Fear shot through my body. It was Christina. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok. I thought to myself as I stood next to Jake. I looked at her, feeling like I needed to. Had to do something. Feeling bad that I was unable to do something. I felt so bad for her. She was in so much pain she was shaking. She couldn't even speak. I was once in this state. I broke my arm in like 3 places after I fell from a tree. I was like 12 or 13 though. God I hoped she didn't break her arm.

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