Chapter 4

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*Crissy's P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning still in Andy's arms. Then I remembered. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night. I told him yes, then he kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep like that. I smiled to myself. The power still wasn't on though. How would I blow dry or straighten my hair??? Ugh dammit! I sure as hell didn't want Andy seeing my natural hair. A lot of people thought it was pretty, but I hated it. It was wavy. Like I had put it in a braid when my hair was wet and left it like that over night...I hated it. I closed my eyes and was starting to drift off to sleep when there was a knock on the door. I sighed and looked up at Andy. He was still sleeping. And he still had a tight grip on me. I didn't want to wake him up, but I didn't want to ignore who ever was at the door. I waited to see if the knock would come again. 10 minutes later, no one had knocked again yet. I sighed and smiled to myself. I closed my eyes and listened to the still pouring rain on my roof. It wasn't as heavy as last night, and the thunder and lighting had stopped. Thank God. I hated storms...I see all these towns and houses and stuff on the news that have been hit by tornados and lightning, or have been flooded because of storms and I don't want that happening because right now, I don't exactly have a job soo...I'm not exactly able to pay for my stuff. I mean, I have money. Just not unlimited...I sighed as Andy stirred. I pretended to be asleep. He gently moved me and sat me down on the couch, then covered me with the blanket that was on the back. He walked into the kitchen and I heard him flick the light on and off, then sigh. I heard him take his phone out as it started to ring and answer it.

"Hello?...Uhm....I'm at Crissy's house right now, why?...Oh my God! Are you serious!" He said, raising his voice a little. I heard him walk out into the living room and look at me to see if he woke me up. "Arg. Dude, she's still sleeping, can't it wait? I don't want to leave without her knowing where I went....Umm, actually ya she is...Last night. I went to Crissy's house. I had to get away from a drunk Ashley and CC, a snoring Jake and God knows where you were....Ugh, fine. I'll be there soon." I heard him hang up his phone, then walk around the couch and kiss my cheek. He whispered "I'm sorry." Then he walked out the door. I sighed and waited for his car to pull out of the drive way to sit up so he wouldn't see me through the window...I sat up and sighed. I wonder what was so important that he had to leave so soon. I shrugged and got up.

I walked back inside with the mail and when I was going to open the door, I saw a note taped to it. I grabbed it and took it inside. It had the same cursive writing as last time.

"Dear Christina,

Seems you've gotten pretty close to Andy. Even earned the position of his girlfriend. Well, you saw the vision from earlier. You know what you have to do 6/1/13. I'll be watching until then. Also, check your dresser in the bedroom. I left a surprise for you. Also, when you break up with him, make sure you are dressed exactly like you were in the vision. Until 6/2/13, you will not receive another letter."

What? I was so confused. I read it over again and again. I sighed. I grabbed the remote to try and flip on the tv, but the power was still out. I sighed and got up to go to my room. I opened the door and there on my dresser was a new blade. I gasped and walked towards it. I picked it up and as soon as I did, I knew what I had to do. I walked to my bathroom and started the water. I stepped into the frigid water and held the blade to my skin. It was sharp enough to make a cut as soon as it came in contact with my skin. I slid it across again and again until I literally could not do it any more. I had made 10, deep cuts on each arm. No matter how hard I tried, it was like trying to perfectly align the South and South, or North and North, on 2 magnets.

The realization of what I had done his me. I dropped the blade and fell to my knees in the shower. I sobbed. What had I done? What would Andy do?  When he found out? He thought I had given him all of my blades. I did. This wasn't mine. This just appeared on my dresser. It wasn't mine. But I had cut. Oh my God. What would he do? I kept asking myself over and over again. Finally, the water was too cold to stand and I turned it off and stepped out. I grabbed a dark red towel and dried myself off. I didn't have any gauze. I had run out. I sighed and let the scars air dry. I walked out into the living room and laid on my couch. My phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Andy. I answered it, trying to keep my voice steady.

The Letter That Answers Everything **In Editing**Where stories live. Discover now