Chapter 15

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*A week later*

It had been a week since Ashley and I had sex. I had been getting sick constantly and the guys were getting suspicious. I was hoping and praying that I wasn't pregnant.

I walked out of the bathroom after getting sick for the 3rd time that morning. The guys were out at the studio all day today. I called Sammi. Her and I were pretty good friends and I hadn't seen her in quite a while.

"Hello?" Came her chirpy voice.

"Hey Sammi." I said.

"Hey Chris, how goes it?" She asked.

"Umm...Not so good. Can you come over, like now? The guys are gone."

"Umm. Yea, see you in a few." She said.

10 minutes later, there was a knocking on the door. I answered it and Sammi walked in. We hugged.

"So whats up?" She asked. I opened my mouth to tell her, but I felt sick again. I ran to the bathroom and got sick. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I walked out and face Sammi. Hey eyes were wide.

"Are you?" She asked.

"I don't know. That's why I wanted you to come over and go to the store with me." She nodded and we walked out to her car.

We pulled into the drug store and found the tests, then picked out 3 different ones and checked out. We drove back to the bus in silence and we climbed the stairs. Sammi handed me the bag and I walked to the bathroom. I shut the door and did what I had to.

5 minutes passed. The tests were ready. Sammi and I looked at them.

"No. no no no no no no no!" I said, growing anger.

"Whats the problem. You're going to be a mom. And I'm sure Andy will make an awesome dad." She exclaimed happily.

"No! That's not it!" I said, on the verge of tears. She looked at me confused. "The baby isn't Andy's. We haven't even had sex yet!" I said. She was shocked.

"Th-then who?" She asked.

"Ashley." I said breaking down. Just then the guys pulled up and Sammi and I looked at each other. I wrapped the tests in toilet paper, then crumpled up tissues and threw them on top of the tests.

"Sammi, the boxes are too big!" I whisper-shouted.

"Here, give them to me." She said. I handed them to her and she crushed them, putting them into her purse just as the guys walked in. Sammi and I walked out of the bathroom. I glared at Ashley.

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

The guys and I walked into the bus. Sammi was there with Christina. I looked at Chris. Her eyes were bloodshot and she glared at me. Uh oh.

*Andy's P.O.V.*

The guys and I walked into the bus. I looked to Chris. She was crying. She was glaring at someone. I turned my head. She was glaring at Ashley. Why? What did he do to her? I asked myself, anger already growing. I walked up to Chris and hugged her tightly.

*Jinxx's P.O.V.*

I walked in and saw Sammi standing next to my sister. Who had been crying. Why? Something was wrong. I looked at her, but she didn't look back to me. She was glaring at someone. Her gaze was too far left to be Andy though. The only other one was...Ashley? What did he do to her? I walked up and hugged Sammi as Andy hugged Christina. I couldn't stop wondering what was wrong with her.

*Christina's P.O.V.*

I let Andy hug me while I fought more on-coming tears. How could this happen? No. Andy had been so good to me and I went and got pregnant with his best friend's child. This was going to tear the fucking band apart.

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