Chapter 2 : The Champion Of The Hearth

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I will do this again for the rest of  the book : Some of these chapters might bear a close resemblance to Wolph-Flow's book :Vesta's Child. I'll give credit to him.
Percy POV
I walked towards the campfire, tears streaming down my eyes. Just after I sat down, there was a blinding light coming from the campfire and a goddess appeared.
I asked, "Who are you, Milady?"
She said, "I am Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth"
I stood up warily, bowed hastily to her and said, "Lady Hestia."
She said, "Please, just Hestia. The reason I came here is to make you my Champion."
I raised an eyebrow, "So you want me to be your Champion?"
"Of course Perseus."
I thought about this for awhile before answering.
"Ok, I'll be your Champion."
She gave me a wide smile and put her hand on my forehead. I glowed a bright orange for a solid minute. When it stopped, I felt warmth seeping into my bones and veins. I tried something to see if t would work. I opened my palm and flames erupted from it.
Hestia then said, "I know that your mom has passed, but would you mind if you were to become my son?"
My mind was wrestling, part of me wanted we to be my mom since mine had passed, another part of me wanted to not have her as a mom, since I'm still sad about mom's death.
I said, "I'm sorry, I just got over my mom and I would like some time before accepting a new one. She just smiled warmly and said, "It's ok dear, I'll visit from time to time to see how you're doing. Just promise that you'll behave well."
I nodded. She then flashed away. I turned to Artemis.
She looked at me and found that my eyes had changed.
She gasped and said, "Percy, you're eyes! They're red."
I frowned and said, "What do you mean?"
She summoned a mirror and gave it to me. I saw that I had a red rim around my eyes. Out of a sudden, my stomach growled.
"I'm hungry, is anybody else hungry?"
All the hunters an Artemis nodded. I looked around. There weren't any animals nearby. I decided to try summoning some food. I concentrated and in front of me was a plate of pizza.
I asked them, "What would you all want?"
The all relied simultaneously, "Roasted beef with mash potatoes."
I then said, "Drink?"
They all replied simultaneously again, which was creeping me out, "Wine please."
This time, with a snap of my finger, goblets filled with wine appeared in front of us at the dining table. We all rushed and dug into the food. This was 1 long day.
Time skip : 7 years
I jumped from tree to tree. Thalia was way ahead of me. She turned around and made a face. I took that time to speed up. In a second, I caught up with her. She tried to leap onto the next 2 branches, but she tripped on a birds' nest. I passed the finish line.
I came down and saw Hestia there.
I ran to her and gave her a big hug.
"Hey Hestia, it's been a while."
She gave me a huge hug.
"My, how have you grown. Also have you reconsidered about the mom thing?"
"I've decided, yes, I would love to have you as a mom, by the way, where's dad?" She grinned at that.
"I'm sorry son, he's busy, however, he gave you a gift for not being able to visit."
She handed me a bold point pen.
I suppressed a chuckle and thought, "What am I supposed to do with this?"
I uncapped the pen and it sprang into a double edged sword. Carved into its hilt was the Greek name for Riptide. Just in case you didn't know,  Poseidon is my father although he never visits.
"I will admit, it's a great gift, but I'm sure he'll visit soon."
"Son, I came here to take you to Olympus."
I smiled wider and hugged her tightly. I ran to the hunt and told them I'll be going to Olympus for a while. I bid them farewell and no flashed me to Olympus. But before that, I donned an enchanted cloaked that covered my face and wore some Roman armor. My pen was safely tucked into my pocket. Mom flashed me up to Olympus. I bowed to each and every god, Zeus being the last.
He was outraged at this. "WHY DO YOU NOT BOW TO BE FIRST, DEMIGOD!!!"
I replied calmly, "Zeus, it is because all the gods have to put up with your behavior, Hera has to put up with your constant cheating, Apollo, most probably because he's just awesome, Dionysus, because, just because you saw that nymph first doesn't mean she's yours, Hermes, because he has to put up with your constant wants of someone or something, you just ask him to steal and then you put the blame on him if you find out, Athena, because when she creates a better plan, you stubbornly refuse and put all the gods in jeopardy, Hephaestus, because you had no respect for him and threw him off the mountain for the 2nd time, Aphrodite, because you just gave her away like she's some sort of a prize. Artemis because she had to deal with your constant demands, and last but not least, Poseidon, I understand that he hadn't visited me because of some sea politics and because he's my father. Also the initial of your name is the last alphabet, that is also why I bowed to you last."
The gods snickered at that last part. They all beamed at me while Artemis and Aphrodite blushed shyly. Zeus' face was red with anger. He summoned his lightning bolt and first threw it at Poseidon, knocking him off his feet, anger was clear in my eyes as Zeus threw his lightning bolt at me, I quickly dodged it and gave him a very hard fire punch at his chest. He flew back. When he got up, he coughed up smoke. It was a 3rd degree burn on his chest. He then summoned his sword. I uncapped Riptide. Poseidon, who had already recovered, smiled widely when he saw the sword appear. Zeus and I then charged at each other. Our blades clashed, creating a wave of pure power to be unleashed. He then feinted a jab at the right, and slash at the left. I quickly blocked and jabbed my sword at his right side. I continued to make jabs and slices across his armor. Zeus then got angry, he pointed his sword at the sky, a bolt of lightning hit his blade, it ricocheted off of it and spread into a thousand tendrils. I blocked most of them but 1 of them blasted me right in the chest. I flew back and crashed into a pillar. Anger and power surged through me as I stood up. I let loose a scream and a tidal wave knocked Zeus off his feet. A chasm also appeared and skeleton warriors climbed out. They all attacked him at once. He was utterly overwhelmed.
I pointed the tip of Riptide at Zeus' chin and said, "Yield."
So, how did y'all like this chapter. I added the Zeus fighting part, cuz other book made him seemed weak, but not in this book. Pls comment on how good or bad it was.


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