Chapter 11: Victorious

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Percy POV

In my blurry vision, I could see Thalia, or at least, that's her name I think. It's hard to really think when you are holding up the sky. Thalia had shot an arrow straight at Atlas to protect Alpha from being smashed to bits. No, I was mistaken. She shot multiple arrows, just that it was too fast for my eyes to comprehend. One arrow had hit him dead in the center of his forehead and three arrows dug their way into his chest plate. Atlas roared in anger. I then realize those arrows were like mosquitoes to him. This gave the chance Artemis was looking for.

She spoke in my mind, "Get ready Perseus."

I responded with, "Aeughhhhh"

She slashed at his face, which he surprisingly blocked with his spear. He then jabbed downwards at Artemis with the might of a thousand men. Artemis, however, sidestepped and using the spear as a lever, propelled him towards me. I loosened my grip on the sky and waited to be taken over. However, Atlas somewhat regained his balance midair. Can you even do that? He turned to face me, and before we collided, his arms got a hold of the pillar balanced out himself No matter how disappointing, it was funny to see how he did it. It was like a cat trying to land on its feet but sideways. My time was almost up. My body began sizzling away, slowly turning to dust. I let out a howl of pain, which drew the attention of Atlas and the rest of the team. Artemis took the advantage of the distraction and rushed forward with incredible speed and kicked him in the stomach, which propelled him once again towards me. I loosened my grip once again and got slammed off, forcing Atlas to quickly regain his balance to try to stop the sky from crushing him once again.

He snarled at us, "You won't get away with this goddess, soon you will all fall at the hands of someone you all fear."

Artemis spoke grimly, wiping the sweat from her brow, "Well, we'll just find a way to trap him, just as Father did you."

He roared in anger, making the place quake slightly. Artemis then went over to me. She assessed the damage on my body. Apparently, I had 3 broken ribs and my 2 arms were almost rendered useless without the help of the drink of the gods, nectar as they had no supply of ambrosia left. It tasted like some kind of homemade chocolate chip cookies, but I had never tasted that in my life.

As I tried to sit up, Artemis lightly pushed me back, speaking in a concerned tone, "Take your time Percy, even the most powerful of heroes need time to heal."

I tried to protest, but just then one of my ribs creaked inwards and I cried out in pain. Just before I passed out, I saw a shining bright light which engulfed me.

~~~~~Time Skip A Day ~~~~~~

When I came to, I was tucked nicely in a very comfy sleeping bag. I arose and noticed that my ribs were completely healed. I quickly grabbed my weapons and strapped them on, not knowing if I was in enemy territory, I then wretched open the flaps of the tent only to be blinded by the majesty of the fiery Sun. Apollo seemed to be hard at work I guess. I covered my eyes with my right hand as I palmed a hunting knife for protection.

I scanned my surroundings and realized that I was in the Hunter's Camp, or as I would say, my home. I was then greeted by the sight of Lady Artemis.

"Good afternoon Lady Artemis, or evening. I don't really know. Besides where is everyone?" I said as I yawned loudly.

"It's the morning Percy, and you know very well it's just Artemis. I was just on my way to see how you were doing. The some of the hunters are scouting ahead and others are getting ready to move. " She replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

We walked towards the campfire together, chatting about the apparent day that I had missed. I was passed out for a solid freaking day! We passed by a hunter who was expertly slashing and hacking her hunting knives at the trees as practice.

I asked Artemis, "What's the name of that hunter?"

She replied with pride, "That's Pepper McJeff, an expert at wielding hunting knives. I might think of promoting her to the head of the huntresses but she's still slightly impulsive."

Just then, Thalia ran up to us and told Artemis of the upcoming threat that the scouts had seen up ahead. She was wearing the same armor as Alpha or Luke if you will. I guess I have never paid attention to what type of armor she was wearing so it never occurred to me why she had a hood attached to it. She must've been one of the Warriors of Chaos. The fact that her hood was pulled back made me question if she was still part of the hunters, or still a Chaos Warrior. A bunch of questions flooded my brain as Thalia quickly briefed Artemis about the army of monsters that were headed our way.

Pepper stopped training and jogged over, asking enthusiastically, "What's going on? Are we going into battle?"

"There's gonna be a fierce battle ahead by the looks of it from the scouts.", I said.

It was at the point that Pepper noticed I was here. She stuck her hand out for a handshake, "Hi, I'm Pepper, and you are?"

I shook her hand firmly and raised an eyebrow, "Perseus, but you can call me Percy. If I'm not mistaken, you're a hunter right?"

She laughed heartily, "My sisters (the other hunters) always ask me the same thing. Why I'm friendly to males, yada this and yada that."

Upon closer inspection, her expression changed slightly, "You're that Omega guy right? You know, the one that prevented Order's attack."

I contemplated telling her about my situation but decided to wait, "I don't really know. My memory is a little fuzzy, you could say."


So, how did you guys like this chapter? Hope you enjoyed. I have loads to talk about. Also sorry for not updating in like half a year-ish? 😅 BUT I HAVE JUST FINISHED MY IGCSE'S AND I have a long time before I go to college.

No, I have not read the 2nd Apollo book yet.

Yes the ending of The Flash S3 is sed, sort of. I kri.

Lucifer S2 ending is so good, I recommend watching it.

If you like Gundams, Gundam IBO ended in a unique way, gotta love it. (BTW, I build gunpla ;) ) Unicorn Gundam is coming in RG form (ikr, like wutttt) in August.

I'm currently on the way back from Singapore and yes I'm writing this chappie on the bus right now. Nice job @Lilflappy21 for 'discovering' that 4th wall thing ;))

If you have any questions or have spotted mistakes in any other chapters, feel free to message me or comment on that particular part. Grammar Nazis are always welcome :)

Edit: I have watched Spiderman Homecoming and Transformers: The Last Knight. The latter was not as good as Spiderman (duh) but still better than Age of Extinction. Also watched pirates of the carribean. It was Swek


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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