Chapter 9 : The Journey

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Percy POV
As I stalked up to my prey, a feeling of dread went up my spine. I lit my hand on fire to see it clearly, it was a cyclops, clearly a wild one. Not one that I knew...

This only meant one thing, the protective barrier around camp was degrading. I ran all the way to the borders of camp and what I saw was beyond repair. Thalia's Pine Tree, was poisoned once again.
Wait, again?
I shrugged as that thought and continued to inspect the tree. I guess the quest will get sidetracked by finding the Golden Fleece. Next the the tree, was a dragon?!? His skin glinted in the light that illuminated from my palm. Laying in front of me was Ladon, I believed to be called. His thick armor skin was sliced at the neck, leaving 3 claw-like marks, as if he got attacked by a wolf......
I looked up at the tree and, as expected, the Golden Fleece has been stolen. Well, it seems that we have a quest in a quest, just great. The conch horn then sounded signaling breakfast. Well, time to tell Chiron the bad news. As I walked into the dining hall, I saw Chiron making a toast to the gods.
Once he was finished, I walked up to him and said, "Chiron, the camp borders are diminished."
He raised a furry eyebrow, "Oh dear, is there anything else you want to tell me?"
My heart sank as I said, "The Golden Fleece has been stolen and Ladon has been killed."
Chiron's face went from trying to keep calm to full shock. I then explained that the quest needed to be executed immediately.
He stamped his hooves on the floor to get the attention of the campers and said, " Those who were selected and volunteered for the quest must go now. We also must issue another quest to recover the Golden Fleece and prevent Thalia's Tree from being destroyed and poisoned again." He sighed at that. The 6 of us stood up in unison and walked to pack our things.
~~~~Time skip( haven't done this in a while XD)~~~~~~~~
We stood ready at the camp borders, each of us had a backpack filled with what was necessary to aid is on our quest. Phoebe decided to drive and in no time, we were tearing across the streets of New York. So, if you want the short story, we basically did what we did before according to Phoebe, which was basically, driving to Mount. Tam, our car being destroyed by a freaking lightning bolt and not really much else. So, while I am currently holding Atlas's burden, here's the long story....
~~~~~epic flashback~~~~~
The car swerved to the right as the road beside us turned to charred tar.
I screamed, "Get out!!!!"
We all got out of the van as lightning once again hit, but onto our van.
Alpha grumbled, "Well, so much for our ride, Zeus."
Thalia shuddered, "No it's not Zeus, it's something more ancient and more powerful. Like when Luke had that sarcophagus, all filled with Kronos' essence, parts and whatnots. Filled with ancient power."
Alpha slightly flinched at that but no one noticed.
I asked him, "Alpha, can't you just use your Chaos powers to get us to Mt. Tam or something like that."
Alpha said, "Well if I could, we wouldn't have used the van then."
I tightened my grip on my bow and slung it over my back.
Phoebe spoke up, "Well it's time to track our way to-"
Huntress cut her off, "Actually, I know a way there since my last time here."
Phoebe looked at her questionably and said, "Well then, lead the way."
Huntress sprinted up the path which lead up all the way to the top of the mountain which was excruciatingly tall. After about 10 to 15 minutes, we reached to the top. We were the most armored heroes. Alpha still looked in glory while really sweaty, Zöe/Huntress, Thalia and Phoebe wrapped themselves in their parkas as it was, excuse my language, cold as hell. Will Solace was attending to my leg wound which happened when the car exploded. At the top stood about 2 gorgons, the Minotaur and Atlas, free once again. I hadn't noticed but there was a storm around us. Like we were in our own personal hurricane. I looked over towards the person holding up the sky and paled drastically. Artemis in chains, blood everywhere and a celestial bronze knife in her gut. My eyes darted towards the Minotaur and I quickly flame travelled behind it and plunged my sword right from the top of his head at an angle and willed the blade to extend, shooting through its heart. The 2 gorgons were startled by this. Atlas just laughed as the storm got worse and worse. Atlas unstrapped his double edged sword and his suit melted into armor.
I said to him, "So, you're Atlas."
He replied chuckling, "So, even the most foolish hero knows who I am."
My eyes darted across the top of this mountain. I had only begun to realize that there was only a storm around us and nowhere else. I then remembered, Phoebe said Artemis was captured by Typhon. My brain clicked at this new found information.
I taunted Typhon, "Hey Typhon, why don't you come down and fight someone your own power category you coward."
That must've triggered him because something began to take human form next to Atlas. I then saw him clearly, his face was constantly shifting, from a face more monstrous than the last. He was wearing Ancient Greek armor down to his feet, he had no weapon but I was pretty sure that he could pummel me in a second if I wasn't careful. I willed Riptide to extend to 3 and a half foot long. My clothes bursted into flames and in its place was shining black obsidian armor covering up to my waist so I had more flexibility. I raised Riptide and charged and the same time as Typhon. He deflected my blade and a shockwave erupted, flattening the mountain.
Hey guys, sorry I left you guys hanging but I had pre-IGCSE tests in school. I could have posted this yesterday but I was out celebrating my birthday with my family. I have planned the ending for this and would love to tell you but I can't. Sorry once again for leaving you guys hanging for like 5 months. Anyways ruins you have at all or don't like this chapter, feel free to let me know. :)

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