Chapter 7 : Chaos Returns + A New Prophesy

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Percy POV
As I finished sparring I decided that it was time to meet the trainer of these heroes. I walked into the Big House.
My sarcasm kicked in immediately, "Oh gee, I wonder why that call the big house 'cause it big!!"
A camper stared at me weirdly as he walked passed me. I shrugged that off and walked into the Big House. Inside was a centaur with a wispy beard and short grey hair. I opened my mouth to talk but he spoke first.
"So, you've returned Percy, it's been a while."
I was shocked that he wasn't surprised.
"Chiron I need to speak to you regarding the last 8 years of my life and rebirth."
Chiron eyes me, taking in each word carefully. He then nodded and gestured me to follow him. I followed him into the back room of Big House.
We then discussed.
"So, Chiron, I'm not Percy Jackson." I stated blankly.
His eyes widened by a small fraction.
"What do you mean you are not Percy Jackson, Omega of the Chaos army."
He added that last bit as a whisper, and as soon as he said that, a black hole opened, ripping the fabric of space and time. Out stepped a man in a black suit that radiated ancient power older than the Primordials.
I did a slight bow, "Lord Chaos, nice entrance."
He smiled and nodded. "You should have neither your name nor your flashbacks, but what intrigues me is that you still live in this world, with the same name, the same looks and body, and the same mother, but you are just missing the memories. It's just like when you were sent to Camp Jupiter." Chaos pondered about this for a few minutes before I coughed purposely to get attention.
"So, you know who I was or rather, am?"
"Yes that is true, but I cannot grant you that, unless of course, you save the world on a quest that would be issued right"
At that moment, a girl with red hair and freckles on her face, wearing faded and doodled-on jeans, a orange T-shirt and said, "Chiron we have a new prophesy."
As soon as she said that , she glowed green, I could smell a reptilian snake smell in that green fog that surrounded her.
She spoke in a raspy voice, "
6 shall go west
To the land without rain
They must be the best
To destroy the gods' bane
Rescue the goddess from her cage
Stop time from rising
And beware the Titan's rage
And with that, she dropped to the ground. I reacted first and grabbed her before she touched the ground. I set her on a bed nearby, it seems she would be passed out for a while.
I said the Chiron, "It seems that a new prophesy has been announced, what should we do about it?"
Before Chiron could reply, Phoebe, a Huntress of Artemis, rushed through the door, frantically shaking my shoulder talking about things too fast for me to understand.
"Slow down Phoebe, calm down and tell me what happened."
She took a deep breath and said, "Percy, Artemis has been captured,"
I bellowed, "WHAT, BY WHO!!?!?!!"
She teared up, "Typhon. He wanted the Gods to surrender their thrones and Olympus so that he can rule over the skies and Olympus itself."
Then something clicked into my mind, "Chiron, Olympus' bane, it's Typhon!"
He nodded sadly and said, "I will go inform the cabin counsellors of this new quest and prophesy." 
With that, he galloped out of the Big House to find the Cabin counsellors. Phoebe and I sat on a chair and waited. I decided to put on my mask and hood so they didn't know who I was. I was hyperactive by the time Chiron came back with the counsellors. Phoebe and I looked up to see Annabeth, Jason, Nico and a few others that I didn't recognize.
"Um...Chiron can you introduce me?" My voice echoed through my mask.
Chiron looked at me in confusion the realized that I didn't have my memory, before speaking,"Right, this is Annabeth, Jason, Will, Katie, Chris, Nico, Clarrise and last but not least, Piper."
I simply nodded and stared at them while taking off my mask. They stared back in shock. Chiron whispered in their ears. They then nodded but still stared at me in awe.
"So let's discuss the prophesy that has just been issued.
I recited it:
6 shall go west
To the land without rain
They must be the best
To destroy the Gods' bane
Rescue the goddess from her cage
Stop time from rising
And beware the Titan's rage
Phoebe muttered, "No, not again. This is a repeat."
I stared at her, she was always so calm headed, but now she was freaking out.
Annabeth's eyes went wide.
She also muttered, "No way, the Fates can't be this cruel."
The rest of the counsellors looked at her confused.
I then had a splitting headache. I screamed in pain, clutching my head as I saw flashes. A metal giant grabbing at us. A girl in a silver parka with a bow in her hands charged at the metal giant. I realized it was a hunters' uniform. She went into the wiring of the metal giant, moments later, the giant fell. I searched through the rubble but could not find her. Words flashed into my mind. The words Bianca, Talos, junkyard of the gods. The pain subsided. I found myself being stared by 10 worried faces.
"I'm fine." I said as I got up.
"I remember now, Bianca, Talos. This is the exact same quest, but we won't let one of us die this time."
Nico nodded sadly.
I spoke up, "It's time to decide the quest members. Since it's the Hunters quest, me, Phoebe, Thalia and Huntress are going. That leaves 2 spots, who's going?"
Will raised his hand, "You might need a healer."
I nodded and continued, "Anyone else?"
"I will," answered a voice from the back. I turned to see a guy wearing what looked like Chaos armor and a hood on.
I grinned at him as a name flashed across my mind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'d you guys like it. I'M SOWWY FOR NOT UPDATING. It's Chinese New Year. Just finished this today which is the 12th of Fab 2016. I know I haven't updated in months. Also pls don't judge my prophesy😅 I know it's bad. Anyways if you guys want some questions answered pls pm or comment. Thx for the follows. Another reason why I updated so late is because I didn't want this chappie to be half assed if you notice my other chapter they are all tat least a thousand words long except the first or second chapter.

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