Chapter 28

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Mikan POV

Once I told him about alices he wanted to visit the school. "Can I-Can I just talk to Hotaru for a sec?" I stuttered still smiling. He nodded and I grabbed Hotaru's arm and Ruka's Eagles' wing and dragged them to the corner of a building I then put up a barrier around us and we started talking.

"So what now?" I asked "I don't know what to do..."
"If Natsume sees him he'll be dead," Hotaru replied. "And who knows what Ruka will think!"
"Wait what?" I questioned she covered her mouth in response "Oh-oh-oho! I know now. Wow! You really have changed a lot Hotaru," I stifled a giggle. Hotaru blushed madly and started punching my chest in a playful way. "So..." Hotaru said slowly after that moment of embarrassing Hotaru. "... I don't think we should show him."
"Why not?" I asked tilting my head to one side. "You know what Natsume will think and besides haven't you noticed a fan club forming around you? What do you think Rai would do to them?" She replied.
"I don't get what you're saying..." Smoke started coming out of me and finally I got it "ohhh. Right I get it now."
"Your such a Baka,"
"But Hotaru can't I just give him my barrier, nullification and immunity alice stone?"
"That... Ummm.... Whatever..."
I screamed at delight and started to make an Alice stone of barrier, nullification and immunity alices. I put the barrier down  and like turning off one thing it turns on another, on cue Rai popped out of the bushes and shouted "What 'ya guys talk'n 'bout?" with a joyful smile on his face. Hotaru stared in the distance with her poker face on waiting for a miracle to happen. I shook her away from her fantasies and we held hands. "Rai you can come to the school but promise me that you would wear and keep these on you at all times okay." I said to Rai giving him the alice stones. I used my creation and imagination alice and made a golden chain for the alice stones to hang on and i helped him put it on. i took a step back and looked at him. he was still wearing the occasional asylum uniform of white everything. i took an image in my mind and clothes appeared in front of me. It was a striped t shirt of grey and light grey, grey short sleeved hoody, jeans and black shoes. i floated it up to him and said "Get changed."  I placed a barrier around him so nobody can see him, but of course i can't see him as well you perverted people that are reading and thinking this! 

After a couple of minutes when he finished he shouted out loud "Miki-san! I'm done!" I put the barrier down and discarded his old clothes and we-me, Hotaru, Rai and Ruka's Eagle- teleported to Gakuen Alice.

As we arrived in the safe haven of the the gates i nodded at the gate keeper and he opened the gates for us to enter through. Ruka's Eagle catapulted himself into the air and started squawking madly. The animals in the forest started to come out and barged into me while shouting "Mikan-sama!" they all dogged piled on me while Hotaru was trying to keep in her laugh and Rai staring at me blankly with confusion and a hint of jealousy. "Stop you can get off me now!" i giggled at the animals. They simply obeyed they looked to their left where Ruka, uncle, Shiki and....































































....Natsume... was running towards us. Ruka stopped at where Hotaru was and hugged her taking in her sweet metallical smell. while uncle, Shiki and Natsume stopped in front of me, Natsume hugged me in and kissed me on the cheek and i cried in his arms. I then felt a huge aura coming off of Rai and i broke apart the hug and looked at Rai who had his fist clenched, face down while gritting his teeth. "Miki-san... what are you to him?" he said softly.


"MIKI-SAN!WHAT ARE YOU TO HIM?" he repeated shouting this time. I was now too scared to answer him my body stiffened at his remark. "Fine... He can have you... for now!" he said while shouting the last part he ran out of the gates till I couldn't see him no more.

~time skip~

Its been a couple of weeks till i saw Rai. Natsume now attends my class to keep me in bay. Hotaru now keeps quite a distance away from me as she says "Mikan... I'm sorry but i might not be around you  much as i don't want Ruka getting harmed because of me...". But this time its different i had a dream last night that someone that could change my life is coming here today and her name is Karin Hanazono.

A/N Well that's the ending...










. not I'm making a sequel to this but it'll be a joint one with Kamichama Karin! I have also finished my exam so i'll write more freely but that doesn't mean I'm not busy. If you want me to write any sort of fan-fictions just comment or write on my wall. Until next time Ja~ne and Merry Christmas! Chinchinchilla over and out

Reunited (Gakuen Alice fan-fiction) book #1Where stories live. Discover now