Chapter 2: Ashtyns POV

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"I could take you back but people don't ever change
Wish that we could go back in time
I'd be the one you thought you'd find
Love isn't all that it seems I did you wrong"
- Cam

Come on. It does not take ten minutes to make a coffee. I have class in two minutes and it's with Krayman! Come on!

"Order for Ashton!"

"Thank you." I smiled then bolted off. They spelled my name wrong. Again. I waved at my manager as I passed the bookstore and raced up the stairs. I turned the corner, nearly out of breath and saw my entire class still standing in the hall. Thank God. I slowed my pace and went to stand by a group of friends. Finally I was able to take a sip of my campfire mocha.

"How was your weekend?" Tracy asked. We all replied with a simple "good". We knew she didn't care anyway. "Well my sisters brother, he's not my uncle though, more of a cousin. Anyway he just got drafted, well not exactly. He is prospective-" I zoned out her mindless chatter. My thoughts could only focus on one thing. Josh.

Professor Krayman arrived at last, himself carrying a Caribou coffee. "Long line." He joked and unlocked the door. "Took the last of the straws there Hartford."

"Apologies." I took my set in the front of the class by my best friend Kate. "How's the kiddo?" I asked while professor Krayman scribbled the lesson plan on the board.

"She's still sick. James mom is at home with her. Poor girl."

"Hope things start looking up." I began to copy the words into my notebook.

"So how's everything with Henry?"

I bit my tongue and sighed. "Wouldn't stop calling me last night." I pulled out my phone to show her.

"Who's that?" She pointed to the number that has called me early morning. Josh.

"An old friend."

"Calling at 3 am?"

"He was drunk." I admitted. A smirk ran across her face. "We didn't talk long. He was really drunk."

"He likes you."

"He was drunk." I repeated. I focused on my note taking. Maybe I'd call Josh after class. No. I don't need him anymore. After the way we ended I'm not sure I wanted him back. The fighting and swearing and then he left. I woke up and he was gone. Then I moved to get away from it and I don't need this now! I kept my phone in my bag and focused on college.

Throughout both class and work I struggled with the idea of calling Josh back. I'd had the time of my life with him. Yes he was older, but he was caring and funny and damn did he give amazing hugs. He held on to me like I was the most precious thing in the world. But I wasn't. Clearly I wasn't or he wouldn't have chosen her over me.

And the engagement! I completely forgot about the engagement. He was engaged to that girl and still had the audacity to drunk dial me! Unless...

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