Chapter 8: Ashtyns POV

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"Cause these things will change
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
This revolution, the time will come
For us to finally win
And we'll sing hallelujah"
- Taylor Swift

I stood in the back room of the bookstore filing invoices. Who even had printed invoices anymore? Still it got me away from the boredom of standing up front at the empty counter.

It'd been two days since I talked to Josh last, and my mind was finally concocting a valid reason to get over him; if he cheated on Amanda with me, who says he won't cheat on me with someone else. Of course I didn't want to believe that, but it was a possibility.

Don't think about Josh.

I'm at work I should focus on work. I looked down at the papers in my hands. MBS. Champion. SAGE. There was no rhyme or reason to the papers. It was my job to change that.

My phone was on shuffle from on top of the cabinet. I was a firm believer of not skipping any songs from shuffle. So my guilty pleasures, depressing songs, swears, and the rest came from the speakers. And I swayed along while sorting.

Somebody must've came in because my manager Tony started up a conversation. Either that, or he had finally gone insane after 20 years working at a college bookstore.

A song came on and I felt a smirk creep on to my face. No matter how upset I was with Josh, Stutter would still be one of my favorite songs. I sang quietly under my breath and tried to listen to Tony.

"Oh really?" He laughed. "Never would've thought that."

"I know it's like I'm a giant." The other voice responded and they both laughed.

I ran a quick catalogue through my mind of people on campus who would consider themselves a giant. Probably a basketball player.

"I went to six campuses already." The stranger said.

"That's dedication." Tony responded.

Maybe he wasn't a student here at all. Just a guy who really needed a book. I tired to peek out to see but there was a shelf in my way. It didn't matter who was out there, as long as they didn't see me swaying along to the music.

"Do you mind if I go back there?"

"No problem go ahead."

I rolled my eyes. If Tony kept letting people look at the clothes in the back then none of the clothes up here would ever sell. "Stutter stutter stutter." I mumbled.

"Di-di-did I?"

The scream that came from my mouth was nothing I had ever heard before. I fell to my knees and my chest tightened up, making it harder to breathe.

"Ashtyn! Ashtyn calm down"

I looked up from the floor in tears, my lungs still struggling to get air. "Josh!"

He sat beside me. "Is it okay if I touch you?" He asked softly.

I nodded through gasps of air.

He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder gently. "Ashtyn calm down."

Tony stepped into the doorway and looked down at us. "Are you okay Ashtyn?" I nodded. And tried my best to collect myself. Tony headed back to the front and Josh stayed beside me. Stutter had shifted into a new song that calmly played in the background.

"Why...are" I asked once I finally had enough air to speak.

"I told you I was coming over."

"So you...stalked me?"

"I'm sorry." He pulled away.

I looked him over. His new look fit him well. I placed my hand on his and spoke softly. ""

"For what?" He raised his brow.

"For...coming." I started tearing up again. "I..." Missed you.

He wrapped his arm around me again. "Shhh it's okay. Ashtyn breathe. Breathing is good."

I remained silent and tried to stay calm.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened to you and not came. Do you want me to go?"

No! No. No. No. Stay. Hug me. Kiss me. Never leave me ever! "You can go...home...if you want."

"This is my home Ashtyn."

I raised my brow.

"Not here, as in your job. But here. As in with you."

My eyes swelled with tears as I held him tight. Maybe things could work between us after all. Maybe my dull existence could change in to something exciting and new. Maybe.

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