Chapter 13

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~A Couple Days Later~

*Jack's POV*

I can't believe I'm doing this. It feels wrong... I don't want to lead this girl on, but what choice do I have? Cheyenne can never know how I feel about her. At least not right now. I'll be fine. If she wants to go on another date, I'll just say I didn't feel any chemistry and excuse myself. It's a perfect plan. Cheyenne and Kyle will never know that I actually have feelings for Cheyenne. Okay. I can do this. I got into my car and drove to the place where Cheyenne said to meet her. I think her name is Lexi? Yeah. Lexi. I pulled into a parking space. I got out and sat on the bench that Cheyenne said Lexi would meet me at. After a couple minutes, a tall, skinny girl with blonde hair approached me. I stood up.

"Hi," she started. "You must be Jack. I'm Lexi."

"Hey. Wow. You're beautiful," I smiled.

"Thank you. You're not too bad yourself," she joked.

"Shall we go?" I asked, holding my arm out for her to take.

"We shall," she smiled as she took my arm.

We walked along the promenade and just talked. She was really lovely, but the entire time, my mind would keep wandering back to Cheyenne. I tried really hard to focus on Lexi, but I just couldn't. She told me a lot about how she's actually seen some of my videos and she think I'm "hot." I was flattered, but something felt off. It just didn't feel right. I had met dozens of fans before, but this one just didn't feel right. Maybe it's because I pictured Cheyenne saying it instead and that set my standards too high.

Anyway, we walked for a while more and went down to the beach and sat in the sand. I stared out at the ocean. The only thing on my mind was how perfect this would be with Cheyenne. I must've been kind of staring for a while because Lexi spoke up.

"I'm having a nice time," she smiled.

"I am too," I partially lied. It's not that I wasn't having fun. Lexi was a very nice girl, but I didn't feel the same like when I'm with Cheyenne.

"Cheyenne was right about you," Lexi said. I gave her a look of confusion.

"You're a real gentleman. You're also quite charming and handsome," she said smiling at the ground. I started to blush at the thought of Cheyenne saying that. Does Cheyenne actually think those things?

"Oh," I replied trying to hide my flushed cheeks. "I don't think I am."

"You're just modest."

"Well, thank you," I laughed. "You're very beautiful," I smiled.

"Thank you," she replied blushing.

We sat in silence as we watched the sun set. The water and sky just looked absolutely amazing. It was breathtaking.

"It's getting late," Lexi started. "I should probably get going."

"Oh. Okay. Let me walk you to your car," I smiled.

We both got up and dusted the sand off our clothes. We walked to her car in silence. When we reached her car, Lexi smiled.

"Well, thank you for a fun time."

"Yeah. It was nice."

"Would you like to go out again sometime?"

Oh no. I was hoping she wouldn't ask this. If I say maybe, would that make me a bad person? I don't think so. I mean, plans change all the time. If I say maybe, I can come up with an excuse later as to why I can't. No, that's so mean. Should I just be upfront with her? No, I can't do that either. Then Kyle and Cheyenne will become suspicious. Man. I'm running out of options here. Should I just say yes? No, that's worse. Then I'd be leading her on and I'm not that kind of guy. Okay. C'mon Jack make a decision. Okay. Think Jack. This is such a hard decision... Why is can't I just choose an option. Jesus... No matter what I say I'm kind of screwed... Okay. Too much time has passed since she's asked. I need to say something. I probably look like an idiot.

"Um..." I started. "Lexi..."


Haha cliffhanger!!!!! Comment what you think Jack will do. Sorry I've been a really shitty author and I haven't updated in a really long time. Life's been kind of chaotic lately and I'm sorry. Also, sorry for the crappy filler chapter. I know readers hate cliffhangers but j figured why not? Anyway, thanks for all the reads! You guys are amazing. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. If we can get AT LEAST 5 comments and 10 votes, I'll update. Anyway, have a lovely day/evening. さようなら!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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