Chapter 6

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~That Same Day~

*Jack's P.O.V.*

I woke up that afternoon looking like absolute crap. I didn't get much sleep the night before because all I could think about was my best friend leaving me forever and never coming back. She's gone; forever. What to do... I grabbed my phone and plugged it into my put on some music. The first song was Midnight Memories. I was dancing around and singing at the top of my lungs. I heard the door open and close. Shit. My family is home. I turned off my music. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said jumping on my bed.

The door opened and my parents came in.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh good you're up. Get ready," my mother said.

"Get ready for what?"

"Our new neighbors silly. They invited us to dinner," my dad said calmly.

"What?! When?!"

"They just moved in so like a couple minutes ago. Also, you might want to turn down your music. We could hear your One Direction music and so could the new neighbors," my mother said.

"Whatever. How long do I have to get ready?"

"Ten minutes," they said in unison.

"What?! Oh shit. Get out."

They did as I said. I used my dry shampoo to fix the mess that is my hair. I went to my closet. I threw on a maroon long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans. Okay. Done. I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs. My parents were dressed nicely. Oh well. We walked over to where Kenzie's house once was. My mom rang the doorbell. A girl who was dressed very nicely answered the door.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Baran!" The girl chimed.

"Hello, Cheyenne. This is our son Jack. The one we were telling you about earlier," my dad said.

She giggled. I looked down and started to blush. What did they tell her?

"Hi. Nice to meet you Jack. Well, don't be shy. C'mon in!"

We stepped in. They are using all of Kenzie's furniture. Cheyenne's parents came into the room.

"Hey guys!" her mother chimed.

"Dinner's gonna be ready in a few minutes," her dad said.

"Cheyenne. Why don't you and Jack get to know each other while the adults talk in the kitchen," her mother said.

"Okay!" Cheyenne chimed.

She took me into the living room.

"Hey," she started.


"So, I heard your music earlier."

I started to turn a light red.

"No. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I love One Direction," she said.

"You do?"

"Hell yeah!"

"What about 5 Seconds of Summer?"

"Who doesn't like them?!"

"Oh my gosh. Okay. Moving aside. Are you @thatsojack_fan on twitter?"

"Depends. What would be your reaction if I said yes?"

"Happy. Now spill."

"Yes. I'm thatsojack_fan."

"Oh my god. I was right. So, anyways, how old are you?"

"16. Turning 17 in a day. You?"

"Happy early birthday! And 17. So, do you watch YouTubers?"

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