Chapter 2

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~The News~

*Jack's P.O.V.*

"What do you mean you're moving?!?" I exclaimed at my neighbor Kenzie who was also my best friend.

"I'm sorry, Jack. It wasn't my decision. My dad got a promotion and we have to move to California. I'm really sorry," she replied on the verge of crying because she was really going to miss me.

"Well, I'm just really going to miss you. Who else will put up with me when I film ridiculous videos?"

"Well, I heard that another family bought my house so maybe they have a daughter who will be friends with you," she said with a smile.

"I hope so."

"Hey. Cheer up. I don't leave for another week. Lets do something fun this weekend."

"Ok. What do you want to do?" I inquired, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"We can spend all of Saturday together."

"Ok. Sounds like fun!" I exclaimed, trying to not think about the fact that she's going to be out of my life forever.

"Great! Well I have to go do homework. I'll text you. Byeeee."

"Bye Kenzie."

I was so devastated. She was my best friend. What was I going to do without her? I hate this. Why can't her dad just have the promotion but not move to California?

~At Home~

When I opened the front door, I saw my parents working on their computers-- the usual. I ran up to my room. Being the procrastinator that I am. I didn't start my homework till about 10:30. All I could think about was Kenzie moving. Focus Jack.

*1 Hour Later*

I finally finished my homework. I decided to go on twitter an have a following spree to get my mind off of Kenzie. I was looking threw all of the people who tweeted me but one in particular stood out to me. Their username was @ThatSoJack_fan. I looked through her profile and realized that it was a girl named Cheyenne. I could tell that she was a huge fan so I followed her. She was so happy. She tweeting me a bunch of times. Huh... I love my fans. They're the best. Wow. 12 o'clock already. I should go to sleep. I striped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Thanks for reading! :)

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