He's Home

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^the picture is Mi-Cha but her bangs aren't cut^

He's my brother. We were pretty close when we were little. Then he got the opportunity of a lifetime. Knowing him, he took it. He's never around because he always in the studio working.

He can't come home every night because he's halfway across the world. Right now, him and the others are probably rehearsing for the 100th time today. I really miss him. I never leave without the necklace he gave me for my 16th birthday. That was a few months ago. He was only able to stay for two days before he had to go back to south korea. We facetime maybe once a week. He's always busy. I guess that's what happens when your brother's in Seventeen.

I'm Mi-cha Chwe, Hansol's sister. We aren't twins though. Once our parents had him, they were more than willing to go back at it and 9 months later, I was born. Kinda weird right? Tell me about it. The amount of times I've been asked "are you sure you aren't adopted?" drives me crazy. It also doesn't help that I look "more american" than Hansol. I have no idea what that means but it's apparently true. My parents didn't want to move to South Korea with him because of me. They wanted me to have a more normal life here in New York. Here in America I go by Mia. My parents called me that a year before I started kindergarten so I could get used to it when I entered school. The only people who call me by my real name are my friends and Hansol. I still remember the last time he said it to me in person,

"Mi-cha, I have to leave again. We just recorded our first song for our new project and we need to work on the others. I know it's your birthday so I got you this. A shining diamond necklace for my one and only shining diamond. Saranghae Mi-cha."

That was on January 5th. It's now the end of October and Seventeen just finished their Mansae era. I don't know if Hansol' s coming back now or if they are going to make another mini album. He can't tell me anything since he has to call me in the studio and his management is always watching over him. Honestly I don't mind it. He's becoming someone instead of his no one sister. He's got so many people looking up to him, including my best friend April. She's kinda like me. She's half Norwegian and half American. We could be twins except that I have blonde hair and she has a dark brunette. I used to have a light brunette color but I dyed it to a platinum blonde over the weekend. April was the one who told me I should. Also I know Korean while she knows Dutch. We both know how hard it is to learn a new language so we agreed on not trying to teach each other our second language. Although sometimes I let my Korean slip though, but that's only after I talk to Hansol since she knows that I'm going to be emotional. I love this girl.

Today was just an us day. Hansol was supposed to call today but mom said that he couldn't since he was busy. They said that I could have some alone time since I haven't talked to him in two weeks, so they left me at home. It was also the week of their wedding anniversary and they decided to take a trip. I told April and she came right over. Once she got here, she dragged me upstairs to my room. "Today we're going to have a dress up day whether you like it or not." April told me. I agreed and kept quiet since she is the fashion Jisoos. Yeah we're kinda fans of Seventeen. Their music is amazing, and all of them are cute. All except my brother, well, because he's my brother. While she went into my closet, I went over to my stereo and played my Seventeen playlist. The first song that came on was Shining Diamond. I started to hum along and fiddle with my necklace, as April came out of my closet with clothes I don't think I've seen before. She throws them at me and tells me to go get dressed. I come back out and show her my, I mean her, outfit. It was really cute. She had picked out a black, long sleeve, crop top, some high-waisted light wash jean shorts, and my black vans. "OMG You look so good! That hair color really suits you just like lavender on Jeonghan!" She laughs. I chuckle along with her. Yeah you could say that my hair kinda looks like Jeonghan's hair because it's the same length. I swear that's not why I chose this color. I just wanted something different. April decided to "borrow" some of my clothing and threw a skinny black bow headband at me to put on. And she somehow makes me look pretty once again after she did our makeup. What would I do without her?

Some time later, we were sitting on the couch talking and listening to old school Maroon 5. They were so good back then and now they suck. It's just about Adam Levine and not the rest of the members. She Will Be Loved turned on and we heard a knock at the door. My back was to the door and all I could see was April gasp. "I'll go get it." She said while jumping off the couch and running towards the door. I thought that it was her crush since he lives next to me. She walks back in, takes my hands in hers, and pulls me up to where my back was still facing the door. Now I was a little curious. The song hit the last chorus and she turned me around. What I saw could not have been real. Or should I say, who I saw. It wasn't real until I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me into a massive hug. Immediately, I hugged back. There was no way that this was real. Of course he is my brother and he had to return home sometime.

*Hey guys. I started writing this because I was bored. And now I have 6 full pages of this. I found my happiness in Seventeen about 6 months ago. Joshua is the most adorable and sweet person ever. I love you Jisoo! Well I hope you like this story and comment suggestions on where you want this story to go. Saranghaeyo!!!*

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