Not Again Morning

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I was being carried to another room. I don't know by who. I couldn't see their face. It was too dark. The unknown person had me over their shoulder and was taking me to this room at the end of the hallway. Inside the room was Hansol, April, and Joshua. Their backs were to me so I couldn't see their faces. I wish i had never seen their faces. One by one the person holding me hostage turned them around. Hansol was first, his face had a giant cut on it, blood oozing everywhere. April was next, she had a similar cut but it was forcefully sewn shut, as well as her mouth and eyes. With every reveal I burst out in tears and screaming. It was Joshua's turn. From the side I could just barely see that part of his face was missing, but all I saw was blood. He turned around and.

I was awake. I tried to move but I couldn't. If I tried to move the tiniest bit, I would shake. I took in my surroundings and saw Joshua sitting at my desk. He noticed I was awake and came over to me. He tried to move my leg to sit down, then noticed I shook whenever he did. April's name was being yelled followed by 13 pairs of footsteps rushing up the stairs. April saw what was happening and took over. "Boys! Go back downstairs and get some breakfast. Joshua and Hansol you stay with me. Joshua pull out your phone. Play Let's Not Fall in Love. Hansol you go get some water and a blanket. Hurry!" They both immediately took to their task. The song was being played and a cup of water was next to me. April sat me in her lap and hugged me whenever I shook. The boys were just staring in shock. I could hear April whispering in my ear, "It's okay. Look at us. We're perfectly fine. No scars, no cuts, anything. We're alive and here." I have had this dream before. Although I haven't had it for 3 months and it wasn't this severe. About 4 repeats of the song later, I was finally calm enough to sit on my own. April wrapped me up in the blanket and helped me drink the water. Once I was finally calm enough, I decided to talk to the guys.

"So what you just saw was one of my panic attacks. These have been happening ever since you left Hansol. I was so heart broken over you leaving, that my mind created an all too realistic nightmare. It always starts out the same way. I get dragged to a room by an unknown person. inside that room are the people I'm close to. April and hansol are always in it seeing as you two are my siblings. But this time it was different. Joshua you were in it. Something seemed off in this one. Normally it's always April and Hansol, but by you being in it Joshua, something doesn't add up. And this something doesn't make any sense. I just can't put my finger on it." I confess to them. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 6 in the morning. "Well we have to get ready for school so if you would please exit my room that would be great." I started to push them out the door when hansol turned around. "Wait, you're going to school after what just happened?!" He asked surprised. I told him that I have before and it's no big deal. They hesitantly left my room so we could get ready. We did our hair and makeup then walked downstairs. The boys looked at me in a questioning way. I guess they were told of my backstory. DK decided to lighten the mood. "Looks like you guys came straight out of Mansae with your uniforms." We all laughed and Minghao gave us our breakfast that he made. He gave us some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I have this thing that prevents me from eating in the morning. It's really weird but I can't eat in the morning. April's the only one who knows so I had to create a plan to get out of eating it. Not that I wanted to not eat it, i just can't. "April I left my headphones upstairs. Can you hold this for me?" I made up an excuse and gave her my plate to hold. She placed it over her empty plate and picked up a piece of my bacon. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Minghao hit her hand, making her drop it. She then ran downstairs with him following her. I'm so glad she's able to eat double the food in the mornings. It's like we're perfect for each other. Anyways I grabbed my headphones and walked back downstairs. I heard the two energetic ones arguing. It went a little like 'Why did you eat her food?!' and 'becuase she gave it to me'. It was really funny to watch. "C'mon April we have to go." I chuckled and started for the door. "Wait, Joshua and I will walk with you." Dino speaks up and runs to the door, to hold it open for us. We thank him and head on our way. The walk there was pretty interesting. Joshua insisted he hold my bag. It was just a shoulder bag so it didn't bother me but he took it anyway. April and Dino were ahead of us looking all cute together. It took about 15 minutes to get to school. For most of the way there Joshua questioned me about this morning. He asked me about the panic attack and why I didn't eat breakfast. I answered everything I wanted to tell him on the attack part but I decided to leave off the breakfast part. He might think I'm starving myself or something like that. We walked up to the school gate and April and I pulled out our IDs. We gave the two quick hugs and told them to be safe walking back home. The guard scanned our IDs and let us in. We saw Veronica across the quad. We joined her and all of us walked to our lockers. Time for another day here in this trap.

*The next chapter is going to be really long. And how do you guys feel about BTS? *smirk* But like I'm not ready for their comeback. ITS HAPPENING NOVEMBER 30TH!!!! If you don't hear from me after that date, just know that their perfection has killed me. As always, comment, vote, and share with other Seventeen fans. Saranghaeyo!!!!!*

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