Chapter 33: Subconscious

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"Sarina, it's not too late to—" Donatello begins.

"I'm going in, Donatello," Sarina says as she settles onto the empty lab table that's been placed by the teleporter. "I will be okay, so please don't waste time worrying."

"Oh, he should worry. This plan is inconceivably stupid," Circa taunts. "It's a waste. Hardly any planning, rushing into it all, and it will most likely fail in the end. What a waste."

Donatello's expression mirrors the look of a crumpled dollar bill in a sewer drain and Sarina reaches up to brush his cheek, making him exhale. His hand overlaps hers, thumb dragging against the circuit-patterned skin of her knuckles.

Near them, lingering by the teleporter with tension dragging their movements, Destiny untangles the needed cords while Leonardo and Raphael observe Annalise via Raphael's t-phone. Leonardo doesn't watch for more than a few seconds at a time. Raphael can't seem to look away.

"Destiny?" Sarina calls. When she looks up, the cyborg smiles expectantly. "Are the cords untangled?"

"Yeah, hold on," Destiny says.

She ruffles her wings a little as she loops the cords around her hand and starts back towards the table. She holds them out to Sarina and Donatello, ears pressed flat to her hair, and as soon as they're out of her palm, she turns and starts out of the lab. Diaval walks in as she goes out and while he stops and almost says something, she doesn't.

Donatello purses his lips and readies his first aid kit. He locates a specialized needle that he and Sarina made only a few months ago, one that she uses often when needing to stay awake. The needle goes into her vein like an I.V. would, then the needle plugs in to any kind of battery needed through a compatible cord, and the subsequent energy keeps her going. It's the closest thing they have to a real I.V. drip.

As Diaval wanders over to the lab table, Raphael and Leonardo take their leave. As per Sarina's request, there are no heartfelt goodbyes. There's no need for such things when she is confident in her ability to return home.

"Diaval," she says, making the man perk up a little. "Do you mind helping me?"

"Mhm," Diaval says, shaking his head.

She presses her finger to the base of her hairline, reopening the USB port, then uses her left hand to hold her pure white hair out of the way. While Donatello works on her right arm, Diaval takes the other cord and plugs it into her head as carefully as he can.

Donatello stops working on the battery plug to rest his hand over Sarina's. "Sarina, I—"

"You don't like this plan and you still do not want me to go through with it," she states, earning a discouraged frown. She sighs and squeezes his hand. "I have to, Donatello. That's final."

He shuts his eyes, tears building at the edges, and Diaval looks up from his work. He frowns a little, nudges Sarina, and whispers, "Hug 'im."

She doesn't have to be told twice. She reaches up and wraps Donatello in a tight hug and he returns it without hesitation. He presses his cheek against her hair and focuses in on her warmth, her scent, and the feeling of her steady breathing. Diaval looks away, cupping one hand around his eyes.

"You know what? We're practically a tricycle already with all the third wheeling I'm doing."

Sarina pulls away, suppressing an eye-roll, and Donatello leans down to steal a kiss. With that done, Diaval uncovers his eyes and turns back around. Donatello clears his throat and meets the taller boy's eyes.

"So..." He coughs a little, sucking in a short breath. "You'll monitor her. If anything goes wrong, you come and get us."

Diaval nods. "Mhm."

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