Chapter 10: YouTuber and Turtle

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Annalise isn't going to lie to herself; she's completely freaked out. It's not every day you find out that there are mutants living beneath your city, much less that one of them is one of your biggest fans. It makes her even more flustered when she remembers that she dedicated many daydreams to said fan.

Despite that, she feels glad to have met them. Michelangelo is just as sweet in person as he is in the comments section and if she's being honest, that makes it easier for her to get used to being around him.

She bites her lip when her mom crosses her mind. She believes that Annalise is staying over at a friend's house for a sleepover, a rather easy excuse to give since Mrs. Hughes gets incredibly excited whenever Annalise mentions friends. She hates the amount of time her daughter spends in front of a screen and hates, even more, her lack of a social life outside the Internet.

Annalise mulls over this all while clinging to Michelangelo's neck as he runs across the rooftops, his arms holding her legs up so that they're perched in a streamlined piggyback. His method of transport scares her, especially when he leaps from roof to roof and she feels herself go weightless, so she distracts herself by watching the rest of his family. His three brothers run with their heads down and their arms held out behind them, moving like torpedos through the night, while Destiny soars above them, the shadow of her giant wings blanketing them. Sarina acts as the perfect intermediate, using her rocket boots to propel herself over wide gaps while running at a steady sprint in between.

Michelangelo crosses a rather large gap and Annalise squeaks as she tightens her grip on him. Her movement makes his freckled cheeks flare with heat and a short, nervous giggle leaves his lips.

"Mikey?" she calls over the rushing wind.


"Can you stop? I'm feeling lightheaded and...uh, my arms kinda ache..."

He slows to a stop, calling after his family that he's going to meet them back at home. In return, he gets a few calls of "don't take too long", "stay safe", and "see you later". With that done, he sets Annalise down, steadying her when she wobbles. She holds onto his arms, blinking a few times, and he can't help his fond smile at the sight of her windblown hair and wide eyes.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't piggyback on turtles very often," she says with a weak laugh. She looks up at him, eyes glistening with curiosity. "Hey, uh...could I ask you something?"

"Anything," he says immediately. Possibilities race through his mind, ranging from wanting to be his girlfriend to marriage.

"Did you guys get mutated after that alien invasion, like, two years ago?" she asks, fidgeting in place as she smooths down her hair.

He frowns a little as he purses his lips, wondering whether or not it would be okay with his family if he shared their origin story with her. After a grand total of three seconds, he decides that he'll take the risk.

"Yeah, it sort of has to do with the Kraang, those aliens," he says, resting his hands on his belt. "They created the mutagen stuff that mutates people, but my bros and I started out as baby turtles. We got mutated seventeen years ago when my dad did."

"Woah," Annalise whispers. "Then your dad is a turtle too!"

"No...he's a rat. He was human and stuff," he admits, scuffing his foot on the rooftop. "Sarina and Destiny started out human too, but they were Kraang experiments. They were born on the same day, orphaned, stolen from the hospital...yeah, pretty crazy stuff. They're like fugitives!"

Her stormy eyes flicker with fear. "From the Kraang? Aren't you worried that they'll find them?" She bites her lip. "I haven't seen them around, but still..."

"We took care of that a while ago, destroying their home base." He flashes a proud smile. "They messed with our city, so we took 'em down. Booyah."

She rubs the back of her neck. "Oh, cool," she mumbles. "I sort of remember the invasions. My mom and I got mutated during the second one, taken off to their...home, I guess? But...everything else is hazy." She shudders. "It wasn't fun though."

Michelangelo's chest tightens and a wave of humility engulfs him. His family saved New York and were obviously worried about the people that had been captured, but if he thinks about it, he never gave much thought to what it was like for them. He never once talked to a human that had been affected like that, so hearing Annalise mention it is humbling.

Before he can offer an apology, she lets out a soft laugh that crinkles the edges of her eyes. " guys were the ones who saved us?" she asks. He nods slowly, to which her smile gets bigger. "I...I always wanted to know. I wanted to thank whoever it was so bad, and now—" Her eyes seem to twinkle as she takes a breath. "Thank you."

His heart feels like it's going to explode and he notices in the nick of time that his eyes are burning with growing tears. He's being thanked by a human, and his favourite human no less. It's all he's ever wanted, really. The emotions smack him in the face and he has to fake a cough to stop himself from getting too choked up.

"You're welcome, Annalise," he squeaks.

"Oh my word, are you okay?" she asks, concern furrowing her brow.

He sniffs hard and wipes his eyes. "I'm just really happy, dudette," he wheezes, voice pitching higher and higher.

She steps closer and wraps her arms around him, resting her head just under his chin, and he stills. His heart pounds and he can feel his hands shaking, but at least this is a good kind of shaking. She squeezes a little before pulling away, cheeks rosy, and she brushes her hair behind her ear.

"Sorry, I'm...I'm a hugger," she mutters, flush rising. "And...yeah, I've sort of wanted to hug you since your comments started making my day every day, and now that I know you're also one of the heroes that brought me home, I—" She puts her hand over her mouth. "I'm rambling."

"I don't mind," he says as his cheeks mirror hers in colour. "I've wanted to hug you too!"

Geez, you're an embarrassment around her! Get it together, Mikey. Get it together.

She eyes the horizon, shifting on her feet. "Look, I get that I know something about the virus woman, but why would the heroes of New York need me?" Her face falls. "Sarina and Donnie seem smart enough. I'm just—"

"Annalise Hughes, who's super smart and awesome at tech and being an amazing person," he interrupts. "Trust me, you're so important, and I'm gonna keep supporting you the whole time."

She bites her lip yet again as it wobbles. "You're honestly so sweet," she murmurs. "It's...unreal."


"No! No, I..." Her bottom lip disappears into her mouth as she inhales, adjusting her crossbody bag. "I...I meant it in a good way."

He's glad that she's just as shy and nervous around him as he is around her or this entire encounter would be awkward and embarrassing. Instead, he finds it endearing.

"We should get going," Annalise says, shaking her head. "Guess I should get on your back again, huh?"

He shrugs. "I could just carry you the way husbands do with their brides...after weddings."

She giggles, fingertips resting over her mouth. " mean bridal style?" she asks with another laugh.

He swallows hard and blushes. "Only if you want."

She nods and extends her arms to him. "I think I'm okay with that."

He scoops her up, her arms wrapping around his neck. He squeals and silently fanboys the whole way home, praying that it isn't noticeable.

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