Chapter 14: Deadlines Approaching

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Just when Annalise thinks that it can't get weirder, it does.

She stands in the lair next to Michelangelo while the other mutants discuss plans in rapid, urgent tones. Destiny's tail and wings are stiff with concentration. Leonardo and Donatello point to different areas on a spreadsheet while Raphael and Sarina observe them, the turtle's arms crossed and the cyborg's hand resting on her chin as she taps it lightly with one lithe finger. Master Splinter looms over the table, ears perked, his staff nearly bumping Leonardo when he moves.

Annalise takes a deep breath and rests her hand on her forehead. She was in such a rush to leave her house this morning that she didn't eat breakfast. That was her first mistake. Her second was believing that her headaches wouldn't show up, that maybe she could avoid her need to eat for a little longer than usual.

"Hey, Annalise, you good?" Michelangelo asks, face crumpling as he frowns at her.

She inhales through her nose. "I'm just a bit...headachy."

His brow furrows. "Did I talk too much on the way here? Sorry, dudette. Sometimes I just get going and I go on and on without stopping and usually I don't realize when I'm doing it either so you can see my problem here, right? Talking, talking, talking, not noticing when—"

"No, no, it's not you." She smiles a little. "I didn't eat breakfast, so now I'm hungry and my head hurts." She glances at the debating mutants again. "And...well, this thing with Sarina's mind getting invaded is so crazy. I can't wrap my head around it," she admits. "Does that happen often?"

"In this family, you never know," he says with a shrug. "Leo's hallucinated and fought mutant mushrooms, Des has gotten mind-controlled a few times, Raph once fought this giant cockroach that wanted to eat us all, and one time Donnie spilled brain juice on himself and he got all stupid."

Annalise blinks a few times. Her lips purse, she makes a noise that sounds like the child of a cough and a sneeze, and she snickers, covering her mouth with her hand as her shoulders tremor. Michelangelo's cheeks turn pink.

"Your life is pretty crazy, huh?" she asks. "And I thought getting abducted by Kraang was bad."

He grins and does a deep bow. "I try my bestest, my dear."

Another laugh. He idly wonders whether she actually finds him funny or if her sense of humour is just strange enough that she finds most things funny.

Her amusement cuts off as her forehead flares with pain, an annoying voice screaming, "FEED ME! FEED ME!" and kicking her head like a tantruming toddler. She sighs and rubs her temples as a gentle three-fingered hand rests between her shoulder blades.

Michelangelo leans closer to her as if telling her a secret. "Well, if everything is too crazy for you again, I have an idea," he whispers. "I could...make some food and we could go on a picnic date." She looks up at him with an expression that he can't place and he panics a little. "Um, I mean...not a date. Just an outing, as friends...unless you're okay with a date! Or not..."

She reaches up and rests one finger over his mouth, making his eyes go wide. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Mikey," she says.

He takes a deep breath and rests his hands behind his head, tingling with excitement. "Yeah," He glances over at Leonardo for a second and tries to mimic his collected, cool posture. "So, I can get the stuff ready and we'll go."

"Sweet." She adjusts her bag, tucking it close to her side. "I've...just got to go to the bathroom before we go, alright?"

He nods rapidly and she turns and walks away. Michelangelo waits, leaning forward a little, listening until her footsteps fade away. As soon as they do, he squeals with glee and leaps into the air, startling his entire family.

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