Ëthia: Chapter 17 ~Believe~

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**Hey Everyone! I got this chapter up pretty quick! Hope you all enjoy it! Please vote and comment, it would mean a lot!**

Ëthia's P.O.V

This has to be some kind of sick joke.

I looked at the trail I'd been following only to find out that it lead right off a cliff, it wouldn't of been so heart breaking if the cliff at least had an ocean or something at the bottom instead of more trees and forest.

"This has to be impossible!" I shouted out over the cliff, "There's no way this is actually happening!"

I plopped on the ground and looked out at the unending sea of trees, I mean it could be worse, the rain could still be pouring down on me.

I noticed the ground I was on was soft and delicate and made me want to just lay down and try to forget all my problems. The wind was blowing gently and I let it blow across my face while I gave in and laid down on the grass, it was almost instant that for a brief moment all my problems went away.

It was like I was laying on a cloud and nothing troubled me, my torn up dress, my ruined slippers, my knotty hair, and even my lack of food wasn't bothering me, for once everything was right, or at least in the moment.

My eyes looked up at the blue sky and I watched as the clouds drifted by going to places that I would probably never see in my life. Thoughts of laughter and joy filled my mind and I just wanted to imitate the clouds and drift to those places, I didn't want to be on this journey anymore, I'd rather be back at my castle learning how to take care of a colony and worry about who it was that I would be united with.

But that's the problem I assume, for so long my life has been a perfect puzzle, I've never had to wonder what piece I was going to place down and when, it was all done for me. All I really ever did was walk around the castle, tend to my lessons, and have young men court me only for Kiara to tell them that they aren't quite what is needed.

Until this moment in time I haven't had to make hard choices, I haven't had to deal with hunger, discomfort, desperation or fight for my rights, it was always just given to me.

My vision started to blur as my eyes filled with water, for the first time in my life I had completely lost control of everything, I had no say in what was going to happen and was desperate that someone or something would help me. I couldn't just tell someone to help me and expect them to drop everything because I'm the princess, I had to stick it out in the pouring down rain and go without food for long periods of time.

This is what the people in my colony must feel at times, they probably hate me just knowing that I live in my castle with so much comfort as they have their trials, I know for a fact that I would hate myself if I found out the comfort I had over other people.

If I ever find myself out of this mess I'm most certainly going to treat my people much better than they have been treated.

I leaned back up and soaked in the afternoon sun. If It wasn't for me trying to get out of this forest I would just stay here and enjoy the peace that I was having, live in the moment and feel free although I knew I was trapped.

Time wasn't moving quickly and that was fine by me, at this point I just wanted peace and quiet and knew being in a rush wasn't going to get me out of this forest any quicker.

I closed my eyes and relaxed letting the sun warm my body, it was perfect, this whole moment was perfect and I felt as if there was nothing that could-

"Hello" A soft voice spoke.

I leaped off the ground and turned around to see an old dark skinned woman.

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