Ëthia: Chapter 41 ~Home~

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"What are you going to do?" Seviah asked me while holding onto Dax as they rode.

I held onto the reins of my bear and looked at Seviah, "It depends." I said.

"On?" Seviah probed.

"It depends what they've done to my throne, what exactly is happening." I explained.

Seviah looked puzzled, "You're still the princess though, they can't just hand your throne to someone else."

She was right, they couldn't hand my throne to someone else, but from the way Xrin's nephews talked I knew that he was up to something.

"Well, if she is dead they can." Dax added in.

Both Seviah and I looked at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, although I knew perfectly what he meant.

"Ëthia has been gone for quite some time now," Dax started out, "So, it's possible that the people could think you're dead, and if that's the case then your throne could easily be handed to someone else."

Seviah nodded her head signifying that she understood, "But!" She added, "The second Ëthia steps foot in her castle she claims the throne right back." Seviah smiled being very impressed with herself.

Dax gave a smile, "That's true, but just like we encountered yesterday, if someone kills her before she gets to the throne, whoever is on the throne right now doesn't have to worry anymore, they will stay on the throne."

"That means Oriah is probably sitting on the throne right now, acting as king." I said to them, "That family will stop at nothing to get that throne, they are obsessed."

Dax and Seviah looked at me with concern, "What?" I asked them.

"You just have a lot going against you." Seviah replied, "It seems everyone wants power, revenge, or something, and you happen to be at the center of it all."

"That's what I get for being a princess." I replied with a smile.

We'd been riding for a day and the main village of my colony would be appear at any time.

Part of me was excited, It was my home village, it's where I visited the people and held the parades, it was good to be so close.

But the bigger part of me was terrified.

A village ago, I saw rotting bodies that lay in the streets, houses burned, animals dead, the spirit of that little village was gone.

Now what would my village look like? I had left when the castle was attacked, but what about now? Would I come across bodies in the streets? Would there be wailing? Would the people hate me and be angry for what happened?

Did they miss me?

Did they need me?

Did they blame me?

"Look!" Dax shouted with excitement.

I was snapped out of my train of thought and looked forward and saw the edge of the village.

"Please be okay." I begged

We road into the village and quickly I realized that there was no one there.

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