Ëthia: Chapter 19 ~ We've All Lost Something~

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Sorry it took so long to update! Here you all go!


"Where are they?!" Ember shouted to her assassins.

By this time all the assassins had regrouped and were searching for Ëthia in the Earthern Territory, they had been searching for days and couldn't find a single sign of her and Ember most of all was taking it the worst.

"I swear the second I see that girl I'm going to send lightning right through her!" Ember yelled kicking the water that ran by.

Ember and her assassins couldn't find a place to stay without causing a scene so they found a little bit of shelter under a bridge by a decent sized river.

Other homeless people were near them and looked at Ember only to be frightened away by the deathly stare that she had, "What! What are you looking at?!"

Ember turned around sitting by the bank of the river and created fireballs so she could blast them into the water and create steam.

The men that were with her kept quiet not wanting to upset her even more than she already was, they had already heard of how Ember let the Air King kill one of the assassins just so that she could be let go, and they most certainly didn't want to be the next ones to go.

Ember finished blasting fireballs into the river and looked at the assassin's, "How is it that we can't find her? We are the most elite group of people this world has to offer and we yet still can't find this simple peasant!".

One of the men spoke up trying to make the situation better, "Maybe she hasn't gotten here yet".

Ember glanced at him with irritation, "How could she not be here yet! That man in that huge damn tree told us that she and his son took off towards the Earthern Territory two weeks ago! They should be here, it only took us two days".

The man sat down being grateful that she didn't take his life away and became silent like the others.

Ember stood up and walked back and forth along the little river thinking deeply, she knew Ëthia was somewhere near but couldn't tell where she was. She trusted her instinct on the fact that Ëthia had gone to that huge tree and she was right, so she wouldn't falter now, Ëthia was near, and soon her and Ëthia would meet.

"Get Up! All of you!" Ember demanded, "The sun won't set for hours and I'm not going to have you all sitting around, we have a goal and we will accomplish it".

The men got up and waited for Ember's next order, they waited like loyal dogs never to stray from their master. They had obedience flowing through their blood making it so they wouldn't leave Ember's side anytime soon.

"Split up and search for the girl, ask questions, get answers and report back to me, I'm tired of all this running around and would prefer to bring her head back to the Emperor".

The men nodded their heads and split off into separate directions leaving Ember by herself.

She stood in front of the river glaring into it with focus, pondering on where Ëthia could be, pondering why she was such a difficult task, and pondering why she was so important to the Fire Emperor.
Never had the Emperor put so much pressure on her to get rid of someone, it was almost as if he was worried about this girl, scared even.

Ember shook the thought from her mind and quickly took off in a direction that the other's hadn't gone, "I know you're out there princess, and I'll find you soon enough".

Ëthia's P.O.V.

I knew when I opened my eyes I would be all alone, I knew I was going to wake up and not have a single person by my side and most certainly knew that If I didn't get up and start moving that I would never find any of them.

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