Chapter 2

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Mark's pov
I walked upstairs to my recording room. I got ready and turned on the camera.
"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and today.... I'm doing something kinda different.... I'm not going to be posting a gaming video today because.... Well..." I paused and took a deep breath. "I.... Uh.... Have some bad news...." I cleared my throat. "I know how so many of you have been pouring out your support and love and, well, confusion, on Twitter and Facebook. And... I... Can't thank you guys enough for that. I love you guys. But... Uh.... The bad news... It's uh.... About.... Jack..." I said. I cleared my throat again. "It all started about a month ago when he started coughing, having chest pains, and fatigue. Then.... A week and a half ago, two days until Halloween... We were at a horror fair. We were on our way to the asylum... And..." I sniffled slightly. "He had chest pains... Dull at first.... But then... He had a single really sharp one. I had to help him stand. He hurt so badly..." I said. Tears filled my eyes as I re-lived the memory again. "He gripped my shirt and started practically crying. I... I tried to keep calm, but.... It hurt him so badly.... And it hurt me to see him in pain.... I panicked. I asked him what hurt, and he said his chest. He... He started coughing up blood..." My voice cracked. "Someone called 911. And they took him to the hospital. I tried to stay with him........ I tried so fucking badly." I said. Tears were running down my face. "I wasn't allowed to stay with him. It was twelve or more hours before anyone came and told me anything. And....." My voice cracked again. I sniffled and tried to keep the rest of my tears back. My voice shook and cracked as I continued.  "And... When a d-doctor finally came." I didn't look at the camera. "T-they diagnosed Sean with stage two lung c-cancer." I broke down. "I-I'm so sorry everyone. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I t-tried. Every time I tried I started crying. I could never make it through the entire video. P-please forgive me. I w-wanted to tell you. S-Sean has been too tired to make videos because of the cancer and the medicine." My voice cracked when I said cancer. "Please. Just. Give him time. That's all I ask. Give us both time. I know it's so soon after...." I held back sobs. "After Daniel..." I took a deep breath. "But.... I.... I'm... I'm sorry guys.... I'll try my best to keep you guys posted on what's happening. I just..... All I ask for is patience. I... Have to be h-honest.... I d-don't if Sean will..." I stopped again and cleared my throat. I looked away from the camera and ran a hand through my hair. "I d-don't know if Sean will.... Will make it or not.... God I hope and pray he does.... But.... If he... Doesn't.... I'll still be here. I'll still make videos..... I'll.... Keep his memory alive. No matter what.... That.... I can promise. You guys know I love him with all my heart..... So.... Anyway.... I.... Have to leave this video here..... Bye guys...." I didn't look at the camera when I finished, tears streamed down my face. I ran a hand through my hair again and squeezed my eyes shut. My lip quivered and I cried. I sobbed.... I sat there.... Crying like baby for I don't know how long. Eventually, I edited the video and posted. I wanted to stay to read the comments, but I couldn't.... I needed to go check on Jack. I walked up to my room and saw him lying in bed. He was curled up with a small smile on his face. Another tear slipped down my face. I walked over and sat on the bed. I grabbed his hands and intertwined my fingers with his. "Hey Jack. I... Told the fans." I knew he was asleep. I'd done all this when he was asleep for a reason....
I didn't want him to see me cry...
"I love you Jack. Please never forget that. I don't know what I'd do without you. The fans need you back.... I.... Need you back. I miss you... They miss you.... It's just... Not the same....." I kissed him softly on the nose. "Hurry home Jack, please.... For me..." I whispered.

The stars will guide you home...

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