Chapter 5

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(A/N: For this chapter, listen to this song; )

Mark's pov

"Jack! Jack wake up! Please Jack!" I screamed as Jack's head rolled limply to the side. I heard the front door burst open. "JACK!" I screamed again. I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Four paramedics came in with a stretcher. They rushed Jack out of my house and to the hospital. I was in the waiting room crying for an hour and a half before I realized I, once again, needed to tell the fans. I pulled out my phone and went to camera. At first I just looked at myself in the camera. My hair was a mess and my eyes were red and puffy. Oh well. I started the video. "Hello everybody. Um... First off, I want to apologize for the crappy video in advance, I'm on my phone so, yeah..." I paused and cleared my throat and ran a hand through my hair. "So.... I have some bad news... After the last video I posted... I checked on Jack before going to the store. It took me longer then I had expected at the store, so I didn't return home for an hour." Tears filled my eyes. "And... When I got home... I walked into the kitchen and..." I held back a sob. "And I-I heard Jack scream, 'Mark! Help!'" I said. I swallowed the lump that had risen in my throat. "I ran upstairs and found him in our room, having an attack on the bed. I-I tried to give him his medicine, but he said he had tried that. I called 911 and..." I cleared my throat as tears started to run down my face. "A-and he said he d-didn't know if he could do this... I said 'Your going to be okay. I promise.' And h-he said..." I swallowed and cleared my throat as more tears started to spill down my face. "He said 'Don't make promises you c-can't keep.'" I paused again and looked away from my phone. "A-and Jack said, 'I love you Mark. I'm s-sorry to hurt you.' And I told him, 'No! Jack! Don't talk like that! Please! I love you! I-I can't lose you.' And he..." I paused and looked away. "Hang on guys." I murmured, walking outside to my car. I set my phone up on the dashboard, and spoke again. "And Jack s-said.... 'G-goodbye Mark.' And h-his eyes c-closed and he w-went limp." I murmured. I broke down. I put my head in my hands and sobbed. "I'm s-sorry f-for b-being so emotional in this v-video g-guys. B-but I-I love h-him. I-if I l-lose him... I-I d-don't think I-I'll be able t-to handle I-it." I cried. "I-I'll try my best to keep you guys posted a-as much as I c-can. Bye everyone." I murmured. I turned off the video and posted it without editing. Comments rolled in.

'No! Jack! Noooooooooooo!'

'Plz get better Jack. We miss you so much.'

'Awwww! Mark please don't cry. I'll cry enough for the whole community buddy.'

'Oh my god. I'm so sorry Mark! That must be awful! I hope Jack gets better. 😢'

'It's okay Mark. Please don't cry. Be strong. He'll get better.'

'I lost my mom to brain cancer last year. It's tough. It'll get better though. Don't give up!'

'I can't even imagine how that must feel Mark! I'm so sorry!'

Then, I found hate.

'Suck it up, Mark! Stop being such a crybaby!'

'Jesus, does this guy EVER shut up?'

'I'm so done. I'm un-subscribing. This dude is such a baby.'

'Man up for God's sake! Quite crying baby!'

I turned off my phone and threw it into the back seat and cried. The haters didn't understand what it was like to lose someone they love. "Why did this happen?!" I cried. "It's not fair!" I shouted. "WHY HIM?!" I screamed. "WHY DO YOU TAKE THE PEOPLE I LOVE?!" I screamed at the sky. I thought of my dad first, then Daniel. "JUST STOP! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!" I yelled. I sobbed more and more. "Just stop..." I murmured. "Come home Jack. Please..." I murmured.

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