Chapter 4

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{ A/n CANDY on top^^^^^}

Yesterday was very interesting, I made a friend and enemy. I have a feeling I will be making more enemies. Last night, Maddie texted me saying that she would pick me up at 7:00 today. I fluttered my eyes open from the sound of the beeping of the alarm clock and with the corner of my eyes, I noticed it was only 6:00. I lazily started hitting it with my hand to make the annoying thing shut up. It didn't, so I did the most logical thing I could muster in my sleepy mind. I picked it up and through it across the room. As you can see I am not a morning person. Apparently, I threw it with too much force and Candy jumped up, screaming bloody murder and accidentally fell of the bed. I looked up from laughing my butt off because somebody cleared their throat, "Why did you wake me up at six-freaking-o clock?" She asked, more like demanded. I just burst out laughing again, when I finally was able to stop. I looked at the clock across the room and saw it was 6:35. "Gotta go get ready for a girl's day with my best mate, I gotta go, see you around mate" I told her in mock Australian, then saluted her on my way out the door.

I was running out the kitchen to Maddie's brother's car. She has an older brother named Jake. He use to be a flirt and all the sluts want him. Noticed how I used the words 'use to be'. He has this one girlfriend now that he doesn't cheat on and they seem deeply in love. Anyway, I bumped into the blond slut, I decided to call her that, it has a nice ring to it." hey, watch where your going dweeb, Are you blind or something" she said, smirking. " look who your calling a dweeb, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself bitch." I replied, smirking as well. As soon as I said that her smirk was gone, it was then I noticed a crowd has formed around us. "Your going to regret this you ugly bitch." she screamed and ran off. That's what I thought. I ran to Jake's car and dropped in, exhausted. "hey, you tired already. Man, those girls gonna have to do more then I thought." she mumbled the last part.

We finally made it to the training area, which I now recognize as a mansion. "Wow, it's huge," I said. Maddie just nodded, agreeing. Maddie ran to me and started pulling my arm to the front door. She rang the bell, and I heard a couple of footsteps running down stairs. Maddie stood there confidently, crossing her arms and taping her foot on the floor. A few minutes later, two girls opened the door. The girl on the right was well built and badass. While the girl on the left was elegant and cute." Riley this is Jessica, Jessie this is Riley." She said, pointing at the girl on the right. She waved and grinned.She had pretty emerald eyes and long straight black hair. She looked approximately 6.1. " This is Ariana, Ari meet Riley." she spoke up once again, pointing at the other girl with blue eyes and wavy strawberry blond hair, she looked about 5.6 tall. "Come on in" spoke a very unfamiliar voice. I turned to my right and saw Ariana there. Her voice was nice,sweet,motherly. I absolutely loved it. "Come on, are you just gonna there, time is money," said Jessica. We went in and sat on the furniture in the living room. "I am your trainer, physically-,"spoke Jessica. Then instantly Ariana spoke and said, "And I am your educational teacher. Lets get started in the afternoon, from now one be here at 8:00. Bye." And she is gone.
I finally made it home at 7:00 at night, exhausted. I did about 50 push ups and 50 sit ups. I ran half a mile and learned a few lessons of 10th grade math, science, etc. I fell onto my bed and fell into a peaceful dream.

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