Chapter 18

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  Haley McCall. That was my name in disguise for school. Surely, they would be suspicious if we registered using the names of the students they litterly just took out of the system.
   I happily looked up (he was a hell of a lot taller then me)  at my new adoptive dad with a large happy grin, who was the beta of the pack because Matt thought it was too awkward to live with him as a brother seeing as he is my mate and boyfriend. So, he figured to convince the beta (who happened to not have any children) to adopt me. He was smiling down at me and Candy with care and happiness. Candy and I were ecstatic because he lived in the pack house with the boys, or more specifically to two special boys, Matt and Mike. I learned to call Mickey, whose original name was Michael, Mike. Nobody calls him Michael because he specifically told everyone to call him Mike or Mikey. Mainly because he hated the fact that people teased him over the fact that he was somewhat(which he was NOT! Because she tried (and failed miserably) to seduce him before) related to Jordan.
     Anyway, we, meaning Candy and I, just asked our new dad, he insisted we call him dad, if we could go to Jessie' place to 'help them paint their garage'. Which is a total lie, we're actually going so that I can give them the ancient spell book. I transformed into my angel, who was really cool and had nice taste in outfits. Anyway, she new exactly were it was because she said and I quote," I am the Angel of mystery, there are two different kinds of angels, guardians and keepers. I am a keeper. Most of the angels are guardians though, I will have to explain that soon enough. Anyway, the Angel of mystery knows all the secrets in the world and can solve any crime in a matter of seconds." I already completely forgot how she did find it seeing as it was approximately 3 days ago since she did the spell and 4 days ago since we made the plan. We moved in yesterday.
   Dad agreed to let us go round jessie' place. I quickly ran out and jumped on my bike and revved up the engines, with Candy following suit.
~~~~Time Skip~~:-P ~~~~
  We hopped of our bikes and ran to the gate of the house..scratch that, mansion. We met up with Maddie, Aria, and Jessie on the way. We were currently walking to Jessie' dance studio because she doesn't have a gym. I love dancing, in fact, I have a few trophies stored in my new room. Anyways, we started searching in the ancient text for the memory erasing spells. Soon enough, we found it,
"How to cast a memory erasing spell," I began, reading it loud enough to make an echo in the large dance studio, "first you must concentrate and relax or the spell will not be activated. Then, you must think of the date or time of the point you would like to erase memories from. Lastly you must say, " From the date of (whatever date you chose)

All the memories from (the date you previously), that you hold

You must now release what you were once told."

Julie Paul wanted to erase Jackson's memories of their latest argument. So, in her mind she thought of their latest argument and when it occurred, May, 24, 2014. She relaxed and thought about non but that. Then chanted, "

From the date of May, 24, 2014

All the memories from May, 24, 2014, that you hold

You must now release what you we're once told."" I finished, stunned. I looked at the girls confused look and paraphrased what I just read to a more understandable form. The girls all formed 'O's with their mouths once they understood, they all nodded simultaneously saying, "ohhhhh, I get it."
   We called the boys, hoping that we could use them as test subjects. We all lied to them saying that we were having a bikini party and were wondering if they wanted to come, and they answered with an excited "Yes!" They got here in less then ten minutes. They rushed and stumbled all the way to the pool screaming, "hot babes here we come!", or, "move out of my way, I have the hottest chick ever practically calling for me!", and the list goes on. How do we know? Well, there are cameras scattered around the Danzel household just incase someone tries to rob from the mansion or something. Anyway, we were in the security room watching the very interesting footage. When the boys finally found us, let's just say they were really upset. We filled them in on what we discovered. For the rest of the afternoon, we practiced our spells, and soon enough, we mastered it. Once the sun went down, we all went out to eat at a restaurant but not as a date because there we were far too many people. We even went shopping for new bikes and cars because we needed them for school mainly because it wouldn't be considered ironic if we had the same bikes as 'Riley and the gang'. We really didn't need make overs considering we look nothing like the way we once looked. That's right, tomorrow is my first day at school, yet again.

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