Chapter 20

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Pic of the outfit she wears for the date! Up top^^ or to the right>>> maybe left<<< Hope you ENJOY! :-D
"Maddie, are you sure about this? Did you even think this through? Did you forget we have the voice of a siren and looks from Aphrodite, not to brag or anything, but if we so much as show are teeth someone will faint, and your thinking about singing?" I said, putting emphasis on 'someone' and 'singing'. Maddie merely shrugged and replied, " Look I am only doing what I think is right," she let a sigh and explained," Alright, I just wanted to fullfill our dreams, remember long a ago, when we made wishes saying that I would be a singer and you a dancer. I just want to acknowledge our human sides, the sides that have been long forgotten since we met the boys. Can you please just let me do this?" I let out a heavy sigh and replied, "But, do you have a solution to all the problems we will face, like, p-" I was cut off by an excited squeal and knew it was Maddie, judging by the hugs, kisses, and 'thank you's' I was showered with. Five minutes of her disgusting way of showing affection ( note: she kisses Riley with her lip gloss and spit smothering Riley's face) I had enough and slightly pushed her back. She looked me in the eyes and said, "Too much?" I nodded my head, put my index finger and thumb really close to one another to show what I meant and responded,"Just a little." She chuckled and swung her arm around me, exiting the janitors room that I pulled her into. Why did I pull her in there? I literally found a bra in there. I mean, who leaves that kind of stuff in the JANITORS closet? Wait, you know what? don't answer that! We walked up to the other girls who were standing around one another in a small group, sharing exciting news about their progress with their mates. "Hmmm," I cleared my throat. Nobody responded. I tried again, no such luck. I turned to Maddie and she nodded, we went up close to the girls and let out a loud scream, but not too loud. Loud enough to get their attention. They suddenly jumped back, startled.
"What-" Jessie began,
"The-" Aria continued,
"Fuck!" Candy finished.
Me and Maddie burst out laughing due to their hysterical expressions. On our way Candy asked a question, a rather interesting question,"Have you noticed that we barely hang out with the boys?" She paused, receiving confused looks, then continued, "I mean, we don't really know the boys, besides our mates. Meaning, we don't really know the boys except our mates." We all nodded, agreeing. "I have a plan!" Arie squealed, " What if we switched, not switch bodies though! All we have to do is; each day, one boy and his mate switch places. Meaning, she hangs out with the boys all day, while the boy hangs out with the girls all day. But! During this time you must spend at least one hour with each boy/girl, individually. Is that okay for you guys?!?!?!" She, finally, finished. "Sure," I said. "When do we start?" Jessie inquired. I nodded, and so did everyone else. "What about tommorow?" Maddie suggested. We nodded and agreed we would tell our mates tonight.
Finally, we made it to detention. We saw the teacher from yesterday. She looked up and her eyes grew wide. A smile crawled to her lips and she beamed. "Oh goodie, you showed up!" She said from her desk, taking of her glasses. We smiled in return. Suddenly, we heard a loud THUMP! My head quickly snapped to the source. It was a boy, on the floor, passed out. Oh no, I forgot they were having detention today! Oopsies! We looked at the lady, she was also looking at us. More like staring. Oh no, not her too! We need to find out who isn't affected by us, later. We quickly gestured for her to come meet us in the hallway. She obliged. She came into the hallway, completely out of her trance, once again.
"So, are you girls joining?" She asked. We all nodded. She squealed and ran into her classroom. Soon enough, she came running back into the hallway, with some papers in hand. "Honestly, I didn't think you would show up," She paused, handing out the papers she had, "but, since you did, thank you so much. Now, let's get down to business. You are going to play at this year's Valentine's day party, which, by the way, is only two weeks from now.You can pick the song, Although, I will have to hear it by next week Monday. These papers have the dates you have set for your rehearsals and gigs. I will see you tommorow after school at 4:30. That is right after detention. So, see you then!" She said. She didn't wait for a reply before she dashed back into her classroom, which was going a little crazy. Anyway, we left discussing how we could mask our problems of being in a band.
Wait, Wait a minute! I got it! "Girls! I got an idea, why don't we wear masks! Throughout, the show we could were some sort of mask! And, we could call ourselves 'the maskers' or something." I rushed out, excited. Candy spoke up first," We could also ask someone, a good DJ, to somehow change our voices, you know, like how celebrities try to make themselves sound better. Someone we know really well, so they can't be suspicious why we are changing our voices," She finished, thoughtfully. Jessie broke the thoughtful silence, " First, love the ideas! Second, I hate the name you suggested, I believe 'The Maskarats' would do. Third, I think that everyone should ask their mates if they could be our DJ, but make sure they know what they are doing. M'kay?" We all nodded. We agreed on the name and went our separate ways. Well, Candy and I went the same way, but you get the point. We went home and Matt quickly pulled me to his room. "Riles, since our last date was a complete disaster, I thought maybe we could start over and go on our very first date! Forget what's in the past! Lets start over. Anyway, I want our date to be tonight, at 8:00, If you don't mind," he said. I asked if we were still in a relationship but he replied saying we would find out soon. "What's the time?" I questioned. "6:30. Why?" He responded. "Just need to get ready for the date. Speaking of, I am gonna go get ready, see you soon!" I said, and dashed out the door.
I jumped out the shower 30 minutes later. I called Candy to help me with my hair and was completely ready by 7:45. (Outfit on top) I decided to watch 'Criminal Minds' while I wait. Finally I heard footsteps from downstairs climbing up the stairs and with the intoxicating scent dancing around my nose I knew it was Matt, my mate. Matt finally reached the top of the stairs and instantly, his eyes were shamelessly checking me out. He grinned hungrily and nodded appreciatingly. "You ready?" He asked. I was snapped out of my trance of drooling at checkered shirt which were rolled up by the arms reaching his elbows and his blue jeans that slightly covered p parts of his black Nikes. " Yes, let's go." I said. I linked my arm with his and exited the house.
"Okay we are here, but I need you to close your eyes. I am trusting you so please, close your eyes. Okay?" He asked from the drivers seat of his jeep. I nodded. We parked on the side of the road so that I couldn't see anything. He was a bit paranoid. I closed my eyes and he began to drive again. Soon, the car came to a halt. I heard a seatbelt snap open and I car door open and close. I knew he had gotten out of the car and was coming to get me so I opened the door and my seatbelt. I felt his warm hand touched mine and shivered. It was not a cold night but more if a warm night. He pulled me out and we began to walk. Suddenly I heard loud music, he told me to open my eyes and I obliged. To say I was amazed is an understatement. I looked around with glee evident in my eye, observing the dance floor. I finally turned to him and jumped in his arms, and started showering him in kisses. "You like it?" He asked. I turned to him, with a raised finger, and said,"Hold that thought?" I ran to the man who looked to be the DJ and asked him if he could play a song for me. He nodded and began playing the song I requested. I ran back to Matt and pulled him to the deserted dance floor and soon, Flo Rida ft. Robin Thicke and Verdine White- I Don't Like It, I love It, was booming through the speakers. I started singing along and Matt wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me to him and whispered, "I will take that as a 'yes' then." I nodded and he pulled me into a blissful kiss. I pulled away and began dancing to the beat. I was break dancing again, but with a little hip-hop. When we left an hour later, he took me to a restaurant called' Red Snapper' (A/n this restaurant is real in Atlanta, Georgia, America.) God, I love this man. Their food is extravagant and casual looking, not too fancy. I will be returning here often! On our way home, I asked him how he knew I loved to dance. "Maddie," he simply replied. I knew exactly what he meant. Maddie was my BFF so she knew everything about. He made a smart choice by going to her.
We pulled up on the drive way and entered the house, which we shared. It was funny actually, we lived in the same place so normally a guy would kiss the girl and leave but, he has to kiss me then go inside the house with me. He gave me a long passionate kiss and pulled away. We entered feeling happy, satisfied, and loved. Well, at least I did!

Authors Note!!!
Well, I barely ever do this but I just need to know how people feel. I wrote this chapter, which seems to be pretty long, so that I can wait till I get 600 veiws, 100 votes, and at least 30 comments. So please, vote, comment, and share. I will most likely update in 2 weeks time. So I can gain some kind of reaction. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed my story!

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