Chapter 7

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We got a lot of stares as we walked down the hallway, but we got most glares from girls. Anyway, we chit-chatted and we just laughed while everyone stared, drooled(not to be conceited or anything), and glared. We just ignored them and just did our thing. We finally found the Front Office. When we walked in we all just went silent. The Secretary looked like a total slut, with strawberry blonde hair. She had a light pink mini dress with plastic boobs that seemed like they were going to burst, judging from the way the looked. I had a disgusted look on my face and looking around, so did everyone else. She chewed her bubblegum like a cow, overall it was hilarious yet disgusting at the same time. She typed on her computer with her perfectly manicured nails, completely ignoring us. "Excuse me" I said, getting impatient. She looked at me through her fake long lashes. "What" she spat, with her stupid annoying high pitched voice, Cliche or what, " don't you see I am like busy." Wow, total bitch. Alright I can be stuck up to. "I am like so sorry but like we need our schedules and locker combos." I said, imitating her voice. Serves her right. I smirked. She fumed, and started typing furiously on her key board. "Names!?!?!" she practically yelled. I rolled my eyes and told her our names. She finished typing and in seconds she was throwing schedules. "You do know who my parents are right?" Jessie asked. The lady scoffed, "no, I don't know them and don't care either." Jessie smirked and said,"well your loss, but just incase you did, my parents are the Danzels." The lady quickly turned around and gaped at her, " my apologies for my manners young ladies, let me help you with that." She started cleaning up the mess she caused and while doing so, I looked at the computer to see what she was doing. Facebook, she was talking to someone, a boy to be exact. Typical. I heard foot steps and jumped back, standing straight and keeping my head held high. "Are these your siblings?" she asked, and started typing really fast. " Sorta, I consider them as siblings, We are sisters from another mister. So treat them well or deal we my father."She said the last sentence with a cold voice and glare, causing shivers to run down our spines and the lady to gulp. She nodded and we all went straight for our lockers. Apparently, The slut (the Secretary) was rewriting our schedules so we could always end up together, we have all the same classes and our lockers are right next to each other. We hurriedly grabbed the things we would need and ditched the rest. First period started 5 minutes ago. We ran all the way to our class without breaking a sweat. It was a piece of cake compared to what Jessie put me through, I shuddered just thinking of it but it payed of well. We walked in and the whole classroom stopped what they we're doing to look at us. Although, what caught my eye was the boy in the back row, sitting with a group of 4 other guys, excluding him. He was the green eyed boy I saw at the store a few days ago. He was cute and decent. He was hot too, overall he was HANDSOME with a capital H. He also had this vibe that said 'stay away, danger.' I guessed he was slightly taller then me. I looked at the girls and they were all staring at one of the guys in his 'hot guy group.' Maddie was staring at the guy on the right side of (A/n let's call the green eyed boy 'Green' for now) Green, he had blue eyes and brown hair that was ruffled up and he grinned at Maddie, showing of his adorable dimples and causing her to blush. He was 6.2 and had a nice 6 pack. Candy was starring at the guy on the left of Green, he had blond hair, grey eyes and a rocking body. He was 6 feet tall.Candy sure can pick 'em good. Jessie was starring at the guy on the other side of Blondie, He was hot too and had black hair and warm chocolate brown eyes.He was tall as well, about 6.1.
Lastly, Ariana was looking at the guy on the other side of the guy with brown hair(the boy Maddie was starring at). He had jet black hair and green eyes. He looked about 6.1 tall. Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat. We ignored him, but this son-of-a-bitch decides to clear bids threat once again. After ignoring him/her a few more minutes and this person clears their throat even harsher. I finally turn and yell, "excuse me! dont you see I am trying to take in my surroundings and you continue to just keep clearing your throat after noticing that no-one gives two living fucks you idiot, Excuse my French. Do you have something up your throat besides your DICK." Laughter drowned the class while realization struck me like lightning. I look to the person I yelled at and see the very red face of a teacher. " Ms. Evans I would like to meet you and your group of friends at detention this afternoon," she said. oh well, I just shrugged, "So what am I supposed to do? this is my first day here. " She asked us to introduce ourselves and I went first. "My name is Riley Matthew Evans, I like fighting, candy the candy you eat, not my friend."I started, gesturing to Candy, " Anyway, I like video games, food, running, and my favorite shows are Teen Wolf, Once upon a time, Vampire Diaries, and lastly, The Originals." I waited until they all finished.
Finally, they took forever to introduce themselves. "You girl's can sit next Josh. Josh raise your hand please." I found Josh, he was the boy Jessie was starring at, and they all sat around me. We looked around and all eyes were on us especially Greens' crew. This year will be interesting for sure.
A/n sorry I couldn't update yesterday, my WiFi was not working. So today, you get two chapters, yesterday's and today's. Bye. Please Comment, Vote, and share. XOXO bye.

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